My entry for the contest Round 18. THE VULTURE BATH


Vultures play a very important role in the environment, they are part of nature's cleaning teams. Animals that die either naturally or by accident are often eaten to the bone, thus preventing decomposition and the spread of disease to other animal populations. They are very efficient at their work, and can clean a large animal in a matter of a couple of days.


We have observed this behavior a lot, either live or thanks to television documentaries, but vultures perform many other behaviors that are little known or that can only be seen in very specific and remote places.


This is the case of the behavior that I tell you below. During my last vacation outing, we took the opportunity to visit the Curú Reserve, on the Nicoya peninsula in Costa Rica. It is one of the few forested areas of its kind that still remain in the Central American Pacific. During the morning we take the opportunity to walk the trails and take photos of monkeys and deer and eat on the beach. We decided to leave the park early, so we got in the car and drove the three kilometers to the exit. A few meters before arriving, we observed a large group of black vultures (Coragyps atratus), so we deviated from the path to observe them, believing that they were feeding on some dead animal.


To our surprise there was no dead animal, just a large group of vultures with their wings open in the sun. We got even closer until we reached a small river, our surprise was even greater when we observed how they bathed in large numbers in the waters, and then flew to a clear area to dry their feathers. This was behavior he had once heard of, but very rare to observe. After feeding, the vultures gather in large groups to bathe and remove the remains of dirt, they prefer clean waters in quiet places, and the river in the reserve was the right place. Then, as in a ritual event, they gather under the sun with their wings spread to dry off and return to flight.




Great timing to witness them gathered at the watering hole to wash off then open out the feathers to dry.

Not a large vulture, appears to have adequate wingspan, interesting to learn about it's lifestyle.

@tipu curate

There were many vultures, I estimate that about a hundred, several of them with open wings, it was a great experience, I could not take any more photographs because they began to get nervous with my presence and some of them were moving away.

Witnessing them in their natural habitat was a bonus, being able to get the fabulous photographs of them near the water then sunning was all about being in the right place at the right time.

That is beyond cool! I've seen crows display similar bathing behavior in the creek in my yard. Some stand guard while others splash around in the crystal clear spring water. Everyone sits in the trees grooming and drying their feathers before they all fly off together. Your photos are great!

Thank you very much for your answer. Now that you mention it, something similar happened, some trees in the trees were disturbed by my presence and alerted those on the ground. Some left so I tried not to get closer and photograph them with a telephoto lens.

I didn't get any good photos, but only watched through the window. I knew that my presence would disturb their bath time privacy it was quite a noisy affair and I enjoyed being privileged enough to watch!

You cannot sent token to yourself.

We have had the opportunity to see this scene, it is really great to watch these birds with their wings outstretched basking in the sun. Beautiful pictures and thank you very much for reminding us how wonderful nature is.

Thank you very much for your answer. It's definitely an amazing thing to see them like this. I am happy to share it with someone who has also been able to see it.

the only time i have ever seen vultures is above the parsi fire temple at marine lines in mumbai.
there are only eight such temples in the world

This is the BEST!!! So cool, and such unusual looking creatures. I hope you win!

Thank you very much for your support.

Wow, this is something worth seeing. Great captures!

Thank you, it was incredible, I think that the photo does not allow us to appreciate all the vultures that were at that time but I estimate that there were more than a hundred.

That is some considerable number. I would be more than happy to see one vulture, hundred is beyond my imagination.

They are very common in this area, they suffer little predation and hunting is prohibited in the country, and I believe that in the reserve they find a quiet and safe place to gather away from human presence, which favors seeing such large numbers.

Hello @photographercr!

fantastic captures !
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