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RE: Eagle And His Dinner

I’ve used the iPad for a couple years after my laptop died out. I have an attachable keyboard for it that fits on the wider side and makes typing easier for long posts. I should try the keychain again but if I remember correctly ( and I don’t always 🤔) the iPad was considered a mobile and it wasn’t working on them.

The outside temperature is recording as 20 C but it seems cooler.

Don’t work too hard and have a great day. 😉


OK, I understand - I have a tablet PC too, but nobody uses it, because it's too small (10"), although it has an attachable keyboard too. I have never had an Apple product, but my son loves his super expensive iPhone. He has bought it used, but still much too expensive for a phone in my opinion.

No, I don't work too hard - had even some time to make a post for the #photo52 challenge 😉
Once more, have a great day too 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

An iPhone would be great. I’m sure your son loves it. They are expensive and probably take decent photos.

I tried other tablets but they were not the same as the iPad. I use the big computer to upload my photos and then google automatically transfers them to my photo folder on the iPad. Can’t load them with just a tap as was advertised with my camera.

Have to make a trip to Montague to get a new hummingbird feeder. The mischievous raccoon was here last night and torn the little feeding gadgets off the one I have hanging up outside. He drank all the sugared water out of it. I filled it up again This morning but the hummingbirds are flying around it and won’t drink from it without the little yellow cups the raccoon destroyed.

Another beautiful day. I hope yours is the same without the mischievous raccoon. 😊

Yes, the photos he takes are great, but for me it's just a phone which costs about 10 times more than mine.

Should I smile or should I cry? I decide to smile, although the hummingbirds didn't drink, because I can imagine how the whole situation looked like ;)
I think I can look forward to hummingbird photos from you soon :)))

We don't have raccoons here, but I like them because they look so cute - I know they eat and destroy anything though.

We have clouds, rain, sunshine and then clouds and rain again. My motorbike is in the garage for maintenance anyway, so now I have some time at home for the letter "E" - I'm still searching for a last "E" 😉

Cheers and !BEER

As I was reading your remark I thought of E for evil raccoon and E for easy rider for the motorbike. I saw the movie ‘Easy Rider’ years ago and you probably have too.

Now I have another hummingbird feeder, it will have to be brought in at night or the evil raccoon will be happy to have a new one to destroy. 🙃

Maybe I should leave him a pail of sugared water and he would keel over from all the sugar. 😅

My phone is pretty basic, a Motorola. It’s good enough for what I need.

Easy Rider? Why didn't I think of that? But I still haven't finished my post and although I have my six words I could implement it somewhere in the Text 👍 great, thank you Jo 🙂
But I thought of evil, not of an evil raccoon though ;)

That's a real bad guy - do you really think he wouldn't eat or drink everything you give him and then go to the hummingbird feeder anyway? Maybe you should mix some alcohol into the water. When he's drunk he might prefer to sleep ... or destroy even more ;) lol

I have a chinese Xiaomi and if the light is right the photos are quite nice :)

Have a great afternoon, Jo 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

I used to leave a bit of food out for another raccoon. They are quite clever. If I didn’t he would do his business up as close to the basement window as his rear could manage. Mr.Poopie was killed by a vehicle and that was the end of those rascals until this one last night.

Maybe placating this one with food and a good shot of alcohol would do the trick.🤣

Have a good night Johann.😊

Haha, that's great, not that the other one died, but that he showed you what he wants and what would be the consequences if you don't follow his rules ... and that you gave him this name tells me that you needed a few poops until you realized that 😉

Maybe this one tries the same, but just another way. I think they are quite smart little animals.
Be careful with alcohol though, because he might become rabid when he drinks alcohol - the rabid raccoon might destroy everything just to get more ;)

Good morning Jo, have a great day 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

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