📷 My feathered friends

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Have a nice day! Recently I was in the park and met new friends-birds: -) There were a lot of them on the pond. Some were flying, some were swimming, and some of the birds were just strutting along... And these people gathered together as if for some kind of symposium. They talked loudly and actively among themselves, sometimes even very excitedly.


Soon, the late participants of this spring meeting flew up to them and told them something that was very interesting to everyone. And suddenly, in a matter of seconds, almost all at once rose and took off from their favorite place.

Then I looked at this beauty for a long time. This is a gray-headed gull, you will definitely recognize it. The length of its body is only about 40-42 cm. In summer, adult birds have a light gray head and a gray body. The belly is dark gray to black in color. There is no pronounced sexual dimorphism in birds. I immediately liked her beak.


At first, she was strutting around on the board, and then she clearly did not like something and turned away from the lens of my camera. I think that you were seduced by these berries?


I didn't know that some waterfowl sometimes bite such berries. This is a snow berry (Symphoricarpos), also called snow berry or wolfberry, a shrub belonging to the family of Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) and is a deciduous shrub with a height of 0.2 m to 3 m. This spectacular plant came to us from North America, where about 15 species of this crop grow.

True, by March, not a single leaf remained on it, but the berries themselves are quite beautiful. They attracted the birds.

The birds flew over the pond, and then went to eat such berries. They have fun in the spring, they are all so active. For 2 hours I watched them, so no one was tired :- ) Circled constantly, dived, shouted at the top of their voices, meeting the spring and telling each other about how they spent the winter...


Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes!



Wonderful photos! That gray-headed gull is a beauty!
The berries on the bush look similar to the color of the berries of the Beauty Berry, which is a favorite of mine. Birds and several animals love eating them. The snow berries that grow here are white and are favorites of the birds, too.

We also have white ones, but for some reason birds like these shades more: -)

Thank you so much for your attention and interest, dear Melinda!