Feathered Friday - Smaller Birds by the Wetlands

in Feathered Friends4 years ago

Here's a few birds near some wetlands I found for this #featheredfriday by @melinda010100
The first find was an American Yellow Warbler.
I see these guys often around wetland areas but they are so small and shy that I haven't been able to get a closer shot until now.
This guy posed nicely for a few shots while belting out his intricate song.
Nearby this house wren was eyeing me. It was fairly tame too and let me get a nice close shot.
The tree swallows are pretty common around all the wetland areas in Illinois. They are pretty good posers for shots while they are resting. Most of the time they are zooming around eating bugs in the air though.
This common yellowthroat is easy to find near lakes and marshes. The problem with capturing these guys in a photo is their small size and their hyperactivity. I got lucky with just one clear shot of him sitting still long enough.
Plenty of Orioles are out as well. This guy was found in a more forested area. Sadly he was right above me in the trees so I could only get upward shots of him.
Now for a more unusal find. This is a bobolink.
I found him in more of a prairie area rather than next to the water. These guys are almost like the red wing blackbirds but with a blonde head and white feathers on their back. It was hot out so he was panting in all my photos lol.
Finally here's a grackle looking nice and shiny against the swamp area in the background. I'll try and go back to this wetland area to get more pictures of the bobolink, maybe both the male and female. I might need to bushwack deeper into the prairie to find them though, and that means ticks :-(

Happy #featheredfriday


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Thanks :-)

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What colorful ones you got here ! they seem to pose for you 🤗

It was a lucky day for me. Most of the time they are really bouncy and only end up as blurs once I go to open them up on the computer.

A Bobolink! I haven't seen one since I was a kid growing up in Illinois and spending my days in those tall grass prairie fields. I do not ever remember having a tick on me back then.

What fantastic birds you found. I have never seen a Yellow Warbler!

All your photos are fantastic! ❤️

The yellow warblers are constantly singing in the prairie grass but they rarely go out in the open for good shots. I have quite a folder full of blurry ones I tried to get. So far this year I've seen two different bobolinks, both in really large open prairie fields. They sound almost exactly like red wing blackbirds with a slight flair.

And meadowlarks! I remember finding meadowlark nests in the prairie grasses. Not a bird that I see here in the woods!

I have only seen meadowlarks a few times here, I suspect they like it a bit farther south and more remote.

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Yeah man, you got some good shots here.
Always so nice whenever something unexpected turns up.
Well done!

The bobolink was definitely unexpected. I heard him chirping and flying right at me then he landed in the tree next to me for those shots.

Yeah, almost like it was meant to be and so great when that happens.
I also love and live for the unexpected moments.

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The bobolink strike a chord with me.A word I hadn’t heard for years. Great closeups of the birds.😊

They have a nice intricate sounding song.

That yellow warbler is stunning! I've never seen one before. Such really nice photos of all the birds....

They are pretty tiny they have a colorful sounding eelaborate song similar to a bunting. They tend to hide in the thickets so I rarely ever see them.