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RE: Let our picture tell your story - Edition 5

in Feathered Friends3 years ago

Pick your fights right.
There are only some battles that are worth fighting over.
There is no need to fight every battle that comes your way,
Its better to fly away at times.
Peace is more important that a show of power.
Skittles is a smart guy. I love his attitude.
I too love to fly away when I think a battle is not worth my time.
Lovely story @moon-city.
Hmm.. I love everyone of these .. this competition is hotting up!!!


Pick your fights right.

You summed up the moral of the story nicely! Indeed it does take away a lot of time, energy and mental peace to fight for trivial matters.

Hmm.. I love everyone of these .. this competition is hotting up!!!

Glad to see participants enjoy the images every week and get inspired by them.

The thing about challenges is not running them , its finding this kind of support and love and thanks to you wonderful people .. you make my life easy.