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RE: A Spring Sunday walk on a farm!

I have made a note of it, I think I may have some in my travel bag, but it may well have expired so if or when I fly for sure I will try this anything that will help is worth a try

Planes are terrible as they are recycling the air and any germs anyone has on the plane add to that what you just told me i can understand why people get sick on flights sometimes

Yes its the same thing, My left shoulder has bene playing up during the moving packing lifting boxes etc, I kept telling everyone that as soon as I stopped all the lifting it would ease, and sure enough this week it has been better but I got nagged ot mention it to the Dr, he did an x-ray and it showed arthritis and cartilage damage, ( which I already knew ) so wants me to do physio, so I will give it a go and see how it works out

the Skin date is 3 November :)


Oh yeah, I think I have told you about the nasal drops before JJ.
From my own experiences with I know that it works very well. Good that you made a reminder note.

I don't know what it is with us lately. You lift and pack some boxes which I see as ordinary tasks and the cartilage in your shoulder gets damaged.
I lift a heavy old stove to help a guy loading it and my back gives in.

So now your new friends will be physios and my new friends are chiros hahaha.
They gave me a list of exercises that I am supposed to do every day, but I only do them on rainy days hahaha.
He also advised that I should have a look at Pilates and Yoga exercises, so I laughed and said maybe some Ballet was also a good idea hahaha.

He also laughed when I called him a bone mechanic lol.

3 November sounds good as at least we have the date now.

Be well my friend!

Yes I think you did, so the one si have may not be expired is I picked them up when you told me, I just need to find them LOL

I think the damage to my shoulder was done when I was younger, from Rugby and Motocross I dislocated my Shoulders a few times and now I am paying for it

But i think we need to learn were not as capable as we used to be a few decades ago LOL

Lets see what I think of the physio tomorrow, I have bene in the past all be it for the other shoulder and I wasn't that impressed so just setup my own exercises I did for a while then forgot all about LOL

I have had Yoga suggested to me also, and my wife is thinking of getting into it, but not sure I ever will

Good news that you did get them and oh yeah, I suggest a search for them before you fly.
Yes, we are all paying for the abuse of our bodies in the young days lol.
It is so difficult to ignore one's instincts, as we do naturally what we have always done only to find out afterwards that we don't have it in us anymore. For me the pains only start 2 days later lol.

Oh, Yoga? For the life of me I cannot see you, or me in that thing that they call a Leotard hahaha.


Hell no if a Leotard is required nop way will it happen for me LOL but i have heard Yoga is good in many ways so I wont totally rule it out, but then again Lulu is so busy I am not sure when if ever she will find time for Yoga

Good morning JJ, I think that you should just in a by the way manner, start looking for your size leotard hahaha.
They say that ballet shoes are also great as they have flat soles and the white of the shoes will go nice with your colored socks hahaha.
Oh man, I can see the picture in my mind's eye and it is hilarious.

I always say that if you are going to do a thing, then you have to go the whole hog and do it properly.
That's why I am allergic to Yoga lol.

LOL you really want to see me in Leoptards LOL I tell you that is not going to happen LOL

Did I tell you in school for a school concert, we had a very talented ballerina in our class and she suggested to do Ballet, and we all agreed thinking he and the other girls would do it all, ohh how wrong we were, she decided to reverse roles, she took the lead male role, and picked me to be the lead ballerina, complete with Ballet shoes and a Tutu, will be the one and only time I ever wear them

I think I am now getting allergic to Yoga LOL

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Oh my goodness, JJ in a tutu and ballet shoes, this is hilarious and I bet that picture if it ever existed was destroyed hahaha.
But if not then I and I am sure many others will love to see it hahaha.

Yoga is also not the thing for me lol.
But in saying this, I might take a few of their exercises for the back strengthening and do them here at home in my shorts lol.


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