
So do I but we both have a sort of rebellious nature and things can get difficult at times. In my case I hear that little voice, but my mistake is that then I start to think. Once I start thinking then the small voice disappears and then I am left on my own to screw things up lol.

Lol but I guess it’s good we are only hearing one voice in our heads not many of them

Hahaha, oh yeah, many voices could indeed be a problem as we would walk around having continued discussions with ourselves lol.

So, you are in a supermarket where there's a lot of people and you say aloud "Hey, stop that" to another voice you say, "Yes, that's better". Then to a third voice you say; "Oh, no not you again". To a fourth voice you say; "Are you mad?, I can't touch her" and so on as you continue to answer the voices with a crowd of gaping mouths open watching you 🤣

Just picturing that scene has be laughing my socks off

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, so luckily we walk around just answering the one voice

Cheers and thanks!


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