in Feathered Friends4 months ago (edited)


Not every theme of the contest in my archives will find pictures and in winter to go on a photo hunt somehow not very comfortable. And my zoom does not allow to get closer to wild birds. Because of this I often flew past the interesting stages of competitions of the community "Feathered Friends". 🪂
So when I saw that the conditions of the current contest are very simple, I decided that I will definitely take part in this stage!
And 100 Ecency points on the road are not lying around!)))

So I had to choose whether to use old, previously published photos for my collage or to create new ones?

Since recycling old content is not in the Hive's rules, and I'm aiming to win, I decided to create collage from new shots...

I caught my birds just as they were getting ready to go to sleep after dinner... 🐓
Although we raised them in the incubator from eggs and they turned out to be very tame and allow us to come up and take themselves in our arms, they were unused to the flashlight and a little nervous.

My Birds

🐣 8 months ago I told you about the successful incubation and for a couple of months we have three to five eggs a day, and this is just the beginning! Having homegrown eggs from free-ranging birds in your diet is just as important as having your child have daily contact with animals!

Geese and ducks are used to sleeping in the open air in the yard, so my evening appearance with a camera did not cause them any inconvenience. Nevertheless, they were not going to make close contact with me.

And this gif of my ducklings swimming. 🦆


banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


Trade conveniently on

Thanks to @Mahdiyari!


I wish you all a peaceful sky above your head and stable soil under your feet! Take care of yourself and your loved ones so that we can meet again in the hive!!


This is so good to have organic food on the table, but it also requires a lot of work. Seems you are doing really great job.
The pictures are awesome and I love the gif very much. 🙂
Thank you again for your wonderful entry.

Thank you for your appreciation of our labor. Taking care of birds, if it is a family affair and conditions allow, does not take much time and effort, unlike keeping larger animals.
One thing I have learned in my short experience of rural life is that you need to organize your space in a smart way.
If you do everything wisely from the very beginning, once investing money and effort, then in the future keeping any pets will only be a joy!

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