Three cute sparrows

in Feathered Friends2 years ago

Hello everyone….
Today I want to share my story when I got this sparrow around my house.


These are three sparrows, I even wonder why this bird is called a sparrow, is it because he often goes to church? If anyone knows, please comment.





When I walked out of the house, I heard the sound of a bird on a tree near my house and I immediately looked for where the sound was, after that I immediately climbed the tree to take the nest and there happened to be three sparrows in it, then then I took it slowly and very carefully so that the nest was not damaged I took it downstairs and brought it to my house.

When I got home, I immediately fed the three sparrows, they seemed very happy when I fed them one by one, after I fed them I took the three birds and put them on my hand while feeding them, they looked very happy. happy, then I while playing do not forget to also take this funny moment to take pictures of them using my smartphone, with the size of this small and agile bird, it's a bit difficult for me to take pictures clearly hehe.

After I finished playing with these three sparrows, I immediately put them back into the nest to return them to their place, so that the mother would not have trouble finding her child.

That's all for my post today, don't forget to also send my warm regards to the #featheredfriends community, I hope you are always healthy and able to carry out activities as usual, see you in the next post.

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