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RE: Tune Out the World With These Cheap Earbuds

in Geek Zonelast year

Sssszzzzzjit earbuds gone :(
Uhm, maybe less fashionable, but I would opt for proper headphones. A bit more expensive to cheapo earbuds, but when getting the right headphones the music zounds soooo mucho better that the mind is automatically pushed to a kinda 'heaven' ;)


the mind is automatically pushed to a kinda 'heaven'

I agree. I think I'm gonna upgrade my earbuds soon enough! There's just so much pleasure listening to music while I'm outside lol. I just need to put them in a bigger case so I won't forget putting them in the laundry lol.

...orrrrrr stop laundering 😱

Right, who needs clean clothes lol.

lolololol :)