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RE: I finally upgraded my PC storage by adding a 1TB M.2 SSD

in Geek Zone2 years ago

Una gran actualización, yo espero en uno o dos meses poder comprarme una 3060 o una 3070 aunque es complicado debido a la economía de mi paisa pero seguro con un poquito de esfuerzo y pedirle prestado a unos amigos llego jajaja.
¿Le quitaste el polvo a tu PC? Porque esta tan bien cuidada que parece recién hecha

 2 years ago  

I hope you can get your new card soon! It should help a bit that the prices have been falling. I pretty much bought my 3070 Ti on the top.

I vacuum around my PC every day but the case in itself is close to dust proof. I've opened it three times since I bought it last May and I've barely seen any dust in there.