Annual Medical Check + 7km

in Runninglast year

This morning I had my medical check-up at work. Everything normal except for slightly high blood pressure, 144/93, I have to check it at home with my OMRON machine to see if this is an anomaly of mine or of the measuring instrument...we'll see.
The electrocardiogram is fine, detecting the typical hypertrophy of the left ventricle that occurs every year and that is due to my athletic training, surely it will be better for me to have an echocardiogram and a stress test to be more sure.
On the other hand, my heart rate at rest during the test was 41 bpm, spectacular...
Then came the hearing and vision tests, unfortunately I have "presbyopia eyestrain", very common for everyone over 40, being 47 I was not going to be an exception. Surely I am going to have to use 1 diopter pharmaceutical glasses for the moment, at least to read, although I have been told not to get used to using them since the eye muscles tend to fade and get worse.
Regarding the audition test, everything was fine, thank goodness!
It is clear that age does not forgive anyone, even if you are the most consistent of athletes, time comes and hits you with its irrelevances, if you then add all the time in which we have been "imprisoned" at home due to the pandemic , still the effects intensify more.
This high blood pressure has me worried, in any case, today at noon I ran again, the day is spectacular so I did 7km in progression in 32'... not bad for a quiet run, don't you think?

In fact, the sensations that I have obtained while running have been good, even better than those obtained last week...

Then some stretching exercises and a shower, all in less than 1 hour.

More details in my next @strava2hive post.

Keep on running!



Nice run, and phenomenal RHR. I wonder if the slightly elevated blood pressure was from 'white coat effect' or perhaps from the stress of making it through traffic to be on time for the doctors appointment. Either way, it's definitely worth taking regular readings at home since you have the machine, and keep a record and look for any trends over the course of a week or 2.

None of us are getting any younger my friend, but you're doing a fine job of staving off the worst ravages of time by keeping up regular training. If you're not already listening to 'the Huberman Lab' podcast, i highly recommend it. Dr Huberman is a lecturer and researcher at stanford university, working in the area of Opthamology & Neuroscience. I've been using the Fountain podcast app to earn sats for my first hour of listening each day.. heres my referral link..
And here's the episode where he discuss eye health in detail..

I hope you find it useful :-)

I'm already at Fountain! but I will check Dr Huberman podcast.
Thank you for your feedback.
Btw, I have checked this afternoon my blood pressure at home, two times, and I get 124/77 and then 118/71 so... I think I'm safe for the moment 😂

I used a service to monitor HR variability and BP for a couple of years, and whenever my BP was in the 116/72 region it would say "you have the blood pressure of an astronaut" so I'd say you're golden 😂

On the other hand, my heart rate at rest during the test was 41 bpm, spectacular...

i got really surprised by that man!! that is actually good???

i haved checked mine and it is always like 53-58, i told a doctor and he answer me that it was actually a good thing but i didnt liked to have so low bpm(a inoccent point of view from my part hahaha ) but yours is really impresive!!

58 is pretty good as well

Happy to see your annual medical check up is ok. Your blood pressure is little bit high. I also think its normal because sometime i was thinking about future and things. Its good decision to going for running it helps you to maintain your blood pressure. Weather of your city is clear and cool. Thanks for sharing.