Improvised Run

in Running2 years ago

Thursday, day for quality training.
At 12 o'clock I left the office in the direction of the athletics track, planning to do a 10x400m training session recovering 100m by jogging... quite hard, really, but the key was that we had to do the 400m in a controlled manner at 24 ” every 100m, that is, 4'/km so it shouldn't be very hard. The recovery between repetitions was 100m at a slow jog…
The problem has been getting to the track and seeing the following:

We have literally encountered an invasion of teenagers on the track. An entire school holding a sporting event that required the entire facility…
Oh shit!

However, we have found a solution to still do a great workout, a PYRAMIDAL FARTLEK (not FART LEG 😊) 1'F-1'S, 2'F-2'S, 3'F-3'S, 4'F-4'S, 3'F-3'S, 2'F-2'S, 1'F-1'S.
Obviously, we had to do the training on the promenade, which, in addition to being full of tourists, had a lot of headwind today, which made it an epic training session.

In the end, they have been a total of 9.48km, of which 4km have been of high quality. Again, in the last fast 1' interval, I hit 180 bpm when running upwind at 3'30"/km.

Later I will post my training with @strava2hive.

Keep on running!



Well the environment is very much supporting for the athletes to do their best... Its full of energy and enthusiasm