[Esp / Eng] Planting a tree with my family; supporting the Colegio de Contadores Públicos in its anniversary month.

in Family & Friends2 years ago


Desde muy joven he escuchado un dicho que se quedo grabado en mi mente, en donde recomiendan tres cosas que cada persona debería hacer durante su vida: “plantar un árbol, escribir un libro y tener un hijo”, palabras dichas por el poeta cubano José Martí; recordé estas sabias palabras cuando mi esposa me invito a acompañarla a una actividad del Colegio de Contadores Públicos de la sede de mi ciudad Carora, esto como parte de una serie de actividades que están realizando con motivo del mes aniversario, ya que en Venezuela el 27 de septiembre se celebra el día del Contador Público, mi esposa ejerce esa bonita profesión, es miembro activa del colegio.

Since I was very young I have heard a saying that stayed engraved in my mind, where they recommend three things that every person should do during his life: "plant a tree, write a book and have a son", words said by the Cuban poet José Martí; I remembered these wise words when my wife invited me to accompany her to an activity of the College of Public Accountants of the headquarters of my city Carora, this as part of a series of activities they are doing on the occasion of the anniversary month, since in Venezuela on September 27 is celebrated the day of the Public Accountant, my wife practices that beautiful profession, she is an active member of the college.


En ese momento pensé aunque he sembrado muchos árboles, que mejor forma de hacerlo en un sitio emblemático de la ciudad, ya que la actividad se realizaría en un conocido mirador turístico llamado Cerro de la Cruz, siendo uno de los puntos mas altos de la ciudad; en donde hace muchos años se podía ir con la familia a pasar un rato muy agradable, disfrutar del clima y de una hermosa vista panorámica de Carora y parte de sus alrededores, este mirador cuenta con un parque para los mas pequeños y una capilla donde nos podemos relajar. Sitio que ha dejado de ser visitado por el tema de la inseguridad, ya que los amigos de lo ajeno aprovechaban de despojar a las personas de sus pertenencias, razón por la cual se encuentra un poco olvidado.

At that time I thought although I have planted many trees, what better way to do it in an emblematic site of the city, since the activity would be held in a well-known tourist viewpoint called Cerro de la Cruz, being one of the highest points of the city; where many years ago you could go with the family to spend a very pleasant time, enjoy the weather and a beautiful panoramic view of Carora and part of its surroundings, this viewpoint has a park for the little ones and a chapel where we can relax. This site has stopped being visited due to the insecurity, since the friends of the strangers took advantage of the situation to rob people of their belongings, which is why it is a little forgotten.




Para esta actividad asistieron muchas personas, un grupo de contadores públicos junto a familiares, miembros del consejo comunal y el grupo ejercicios del sector, estos últimos realizaron una bailoterapia donde todos podían participar, el clima estaba presto para la realización de ejercicios y muchas personas se unieron, yo no participe porque no llevaba la ropa adecuada para ello, sin embargo a lo lejos todos bailamos un poco jajaja.

For this activity many people attended, a group of public accountants with family members, members of the community council and the exercise group of the sector, the latter performed a dance therapy where everyone could participate, the weather was ready for the exercises and many people joined, I did not participate because I was not wearing the right clothes for it, however in the distance we all danced a little hahaha.


Por otra parte cada quien junto a su familia escogió un lugar para sembrar su árbol, llevamos dos plantas de cayenas rojas, me parecieron ideales ya que son muy bonitas y aparte que se adaptan a todo tipo de terreno, siendo el terreno del cerro un área con muchas piedras, otra cosa es que no necesitan de mucha agua, aunque las personas cercanas al cerro se comprometieron a cuidar de los arboles que sembramos, mientras sembraba el árbol mi hijo Juan Andrés me ayudo mucho, estaba al pendiente de todo y también quería abrir el hueco, me sentí muy feliz de poder participar en esta actividad junto a mi familia.

On the other hand each one with his family chose a place to plant their tree, we took two red cayenne plants, I thought they were ideal because they are very beautiful and also they adapt to all types of terrain, being the terrain of the hill an area with many stones, another thing is that they do not need much water, While I was planting the tree my son Juan Andres helped me a lot, he was very attentive to everything and also wanted to open the hole, I was very happy to be able to participate in this activity with my family.





En el parque se encontraban muchos niños jugando, mi hijo mayor Matthias Andrés no perdió el tiempo para unirse a ellos, el hace amigos con mucha facilidad y mas cuando se trata de jugar, creo que esta es la parte mas bonita de ser niños, poder compartir con todos sin tener ningún tipo de malicia; aunque algunos de los juegos se encuentran en mal estado, los niños aprovecharon al máximo, yo también aproveche de jugar un poco con mi pequeño Juan Andrés, por ser el mas pequeño había que estar al pendiente de el, porque en el lugar habían muchas piedras y habían zonas muy altas.

In the park there were many children playing, my oldest son Matthias Andres did not waste time to join them, he makes friends very easily and more when it comes to play, I think this is the most beautiful part of being children, to share with everyone without having any malice; although some of the games are in poor condition, the children took full advantage, I also took the opportunity to play a little with my little Juan Andres, being the youngest had to be aware of it, because in the place there were many stones and there were very high areas.





Mi esposa también invito a su papá, quien inmediatamente se vistió y se fue con nosotros, ella me cuenta que el los llevaba muy frecuentemente cuando estaban pequeños, allí patinaban, paseaban en bicicletas, jugaban en el parque, jugaban el escondite y muchas actividades; ellos llevan muy buena relación y hubo un momento en que se sentaron a conversar y a recordar, este fue un momento que me gusto mucho porque vi como desde muy pequeños el se compenetro con sus hijos, algo que me encantaría tener con mis hijos cuando estén grandes, muchos recuerdos y vivencias juntos, creo que esa es la importancia de ser padres, crear un vinculo especial con los hijos, marcado por el amor, respeto y unión familiar.

My wife also invited his dad, who immediately got dressed and went with us, she tells me that he took them very often when they were little, there they skated, rode bikes, played in the park, played hide and seek and many activities; They have a very good relationship and there was a moment when they sat down to talk and reminisce, this was a moment that I liked very much because I saw how from a very young age he had a good relationship with his children, something that I would love to have with my children when they grow up, many memories and experiences together, I think that is the importance of being parents, to create a special bond with their children, marked by love, respect and family unity.


Aunque aun no he escrito un libro, pienso que mi blog, mi espacio personal en esta grandiosa plataforma puede contar como mi libro virtual, cumpliendo de esta forma con las tres cosas que harán que mi vida sea recordada, mis hijos quienes son mi mayor herencia de vida, sembrar un árbol que representa mi amor y respeto a la naturaleza y mi blog donde muchas personas podrán leerme; no con esto quiero decir que he cumplido con todo lo que me gustaría tener en mi vida, pero con esto considero que aunque muera mi recuerdo queda marcado en este mundo.

Although I have not yet written a book, I think that my blog, my personal space on this great platform can count as my virtual book, thus fulfilling the three things that will make my life to be remembered, my children who are my greatest legacy of life, planting a tree that represents my love and respect for nature and my blog where many people can read me; not to say that I have fulfilled everything I would like to have in my life, but with this I consider that even if I die my memory is marked in this world.


Aunque el cuerpo muera mi generación me mantendrá vivo en sus recuerdos, el árbol seguirá creciendo, dando oxigeno al mundo y mis letras seguirán plasmadas en mi blog; con esto se despide de ustedes su amigo el Drhueso.

Even if the body dies my generation will keep me alive in their memories, the tree will continue to grow, giving oxygen to the world and my letters will continue to be reflected in my blog; with this your friend Drhueso bids you farewell.



Imagen creada con Bitmoji / Image created with Bitmoji

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.

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This activity helped them to enjoy with their families and share a good time. In addition, it is good to encourage children to take care of our nature.

You are right, your blog serves to keep a record of your life, a virtual book that will remain as a memory for your children to read in the future.

I am seeing that you are from Carora, about ten years ago I visited that place for work reasons. I had several friends who were from there.

Of course, I know that my children and future generations will be able to read and know much more about me through my letters.

How nice that you know my beautiful land of Carora, I hope you liked what you saw, here we have a lot to offer.

A pleasure to read your comment.

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