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RE: Myself and My brother never got along but now we are buddies or rather best of friends.

Your opening statement summed up my family.
I am the youngest of TEN children, a mix of "His, Hers and Ours" (my sister Linda and I were the only OURS)
When my daddy died after a serious car accident, HIS remaining live children (two daughters and a son) got their own lawyer (they thought My Mama, who was not their Mama was going to cheat them out of something that simply wasn't there)
Almost 3 yrs, $30K spent in lawyers and court costs.
Up until this time, I had 9 older brothers and sisters.
After that fiasco, I had one sister and 7 living half siblings. Destroyed my family for me.
It is so sad that money or land will do this to a family



Wow, this is a terrible situation too, why spending so much on court case when we can settle things amicable and on love. Sometimes I wish that there was no inheritance to fight over.

Let everyone build his own castle by himself maybe we would appreciate each other that way

Nevertheless there is nothing wrong in having siblings help each other with whatever resources they have.

Now I am raising my nephews and nieces because I don't have my own children yet and I don't mind if those kids get to pay back or not.
At least I get to impact lives even if they are my close relatives.

It was complicated by the fact that I was driving our vehicle when another driver struck us broadside, critically injuring our Father. Broke all his ribs and his pelvis, punctured his lungs.
He was shoved into Mama hard enough to break 3 of her ribs and pelvis, the car seat was shoved sideways, my door popped open and I fell out and scraped my elbow.
So my 3 halfs on Daddies side sued our insurance company for the wrongful death of our father. Our insurance company had to defend both me and the other driver.
There were damages awarded which were split between those three and mama and Linda. It is illegal here for you to benefit monetarily from being sued.
So there were statements and depositions, photographs of the wreck site all presented in at least 3 court hearings. It was madness.
I carried the blame for daddies death for years, knowing I didn't cause it, but I was driving which (in my eyes) made me responsible.
I''m over that now tho. Thank God in heaven

Goodness God
I'm really sorry you had to go through all that, and totally understood how you had to carry the blame for daddy's death, I still feel the same about my mum's demise too. Nevertheless I'm asking God to help me forgive myself

And I'm glad that you are over it now, accidents are bound to happen including natural disasters that we do not have control over.

May God give us more peace and happiness
And thank you so much for sharing about this important piece of your family with me. I do cherish them and the person you have grown to become. May you enjoy good days and health my friend.

Many blessings to you as well. @monica-ene