(ESP-INGL) Regalo a Una Gran Amiga

in Family & Friends4 months ago

Hola Hive

Buenas buenas querida comunidad, los saludo con el corazon , espero esten todos mas que bien, hoy en mi post les comparto fotos junto a mis amigas.

Bueno aprovechando el ultimo dia de la semana, luego de concluir mis actividades me fui a tomar mates con mis amigas, una de ella mi amiga hace 25 años ,la otra hace meses aparte de amigas mis alumnas de gimnasia falto una pero se encontraba en reposo por covid, igual le mandamos mensajes de texto😊

Mientras charlamos mate va mate viene , escribía la dedicatoria en el libro que le lleve de regalo a mi amiga Eliana, se que le iva a encantar.
El libro autora Ivana Santillo, otra amiga muy reconocida en la comunidad

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Eliana ella se dedica al mundo del tarot, le gusta las peliculas de terror , investigar lugares raros como cementerios , casas abandonadas etc...Me encanto verle la cara de felicidad cuando vio la tapa del libro dijo hay no!!!! parece que esta re bueno!!! jajja divina.

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Fue un detalle una forma de agradecerle su cariño , el estar siempre presente ya que nos conocemos desde muy jovensitas.
Así que en la dedicatoria le puse algo asi: Eliana querida amiga la cual has estado en cada risa , cada lagrima , tu presencia ha sido muy importante en mi vida , tu presencia ha iluminado mis días mas brillantes y han sido mi refugio en las noches mas oscuras ,agradezco todos los momentos compartidos y que seguimos compartiendo , valoro profundamente tu amistad incondicional.

Juntas hemos superado desafios y celebrando triunfos y se que nuestro vínculo solo se fortalecerá con el tiempo .Gracias por ser esa luz en mi vida . Te aprecio más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar. Siempre aquí para ti. Con cariño quien escribe Noemi Toloza. Gracias!!!

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Hello Hive

Good morning dear community, I greet you with all my heart, I hope you are all more than well, today in my post I share with you some pictures with my friends.

Well taking advantage of the last day of the week, after concluding my activities I went to drink mate with my friends, one of them my friend for 25 years, the other for months apart from my friends my gymnastics students, one was missing but she was resting because of covid, we still send text messages😊

While we chatted mate va mate viene, I wrote the dedication in the book that I took as a gift to my friend Eliana, I know she was going to love it.
The book was written by Ivana Santillo, another very well known friend in the community.

Eliana is dedicated to the world of tarot, she likes horror movies, investigating weird places like cemeteries, abandoned houses etc... I loved seeing her happy face when she saw the cover of the book, she said no!!!! seems to be really good!!!! jajja divine.

It was a detail, a way of thanking her for her love, for being always present since we have known each other since we were very young.
So in the dedication I put something like this: Eliana dear friend who has been in every laugh, every tear, your presence has been very important in my life, your presence has illuminated my brightest days and have been my refuge in the darkest nights, I appreciate all the shared moments and we continue to share, I deeply value your unconditional friendship.

Together we have overcome challenges and celebrated triumphs and I know that our bond will only grow stronger with time, thank you for being that light in my life. I appreciate you more than words can express. Always here for you. With love from Noemi Toloza. Thank you!!!



📷 Imágenes tomadas por mi/Banner Hive de ikasumanera/Banner final editado en Canva.com/Traducido con DeepLTranslate