 4 years ago (edited) 

Thanks. And you too, great Friend, @kgakakillerg

Would love to have your WhatsApp number if you are on WhatsApp

👍🏾 we can talk on Instagram @kgakakillerg I don't use WhatsApp

 4 years ago  

I got your message. Will follow you soon


Alright cool just send me a message when you follow me

 4 years ago  

Will do that soon

 4 years ago (edited) 

Have finally followed you, but I'm having an issue with sending you message, my message couldn't deliver. So I don't know what's actually wrong @kgakakillerg

Just sent you message you should be able to send me one now thanks for following 🤝

 4 years ago  

Thanks too.
Will reply your message as soon as possible.

Cheers, @kgakakillerg