in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

The Bible says that whatsoever ye too shall both agree concerning these things..
Matthew 18:19.


The truth is that this Bible verse can be used in explaining a lot of things. One off such is the agreement among the spouse. In our society today everyone is always in need of receipt or something to prof the success of a transaction. That is so because of the caliber of things that come out as side effect of partnering with Christ and our spouse. Like I had said early. The two partners in marriage have turned one flesh and blood. Similarly God sees them as one person and not two. You have to be patient with me. Maybe, I should take time to explain it in detail.

What I mean is that the society needs each other to survive. In same vein, husband and wives needs each other. As such, at any point that the married people want to pray and the are not in agreement maybe because of a misunderstanding, God would not answer such question because the did not agree.


Imagine that the husband prayed that they should be able to buy a car while the wife prays that the husband shouldn't buy a car. If you were a God, whom among the two would you answer. Please be honest with your opinions.

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