Just made 5 HIVE from being downvoted! Your downvotes only bring me sympathy and customers for my HIVE NFTs you cannot stop me. I also trade hive-engine tokens and will never stop getting paid in HIVE. I suggest buying my NFTs anonymously with helios.surf

a group of hive babies directed by meesterboom decided to only start downvoting me after i started getting downvoted by meesterboom after calling his circle jerk posts out as bad low quality posts that are the reason no one likes to post anything to or buy hivepower? so youre part of his gang ?

lol so you decided all of the sudden to go against all the curators ive earned over the years to help get revenge on my post rewards because i dare say something bad about @meesterboom lol very nice picking on the hive user with tourettes syndrome, punishing him for speaking out against the shitty whales, acting like anyone will ever want to use hive after you treat it like your own personal staking rewards war, well, too bad !i found many otehr ways to make hive rewards USING your downvotes

Your downvotes only give me more attentionand sales of my cool AI nfts created as art out of teh downvotes. when life gives you shitty downvoting whales who cant keep their downvote button in their pants and excersize restraint over their freedom to make hive a shitty place lol i will still. always keep earning hive

i will now earn MORE hive with nft sales than i wouldhave with shitty 25 cents a day from hive upvotes that honestly was a waste of time. im better suited making NFts and selling them to other accounts sick of the whales, and preparing for a much better hive fork withouit downvotes

or ill just start moving users to https://snipverse.com and the @protonxpr chain where I have $700+ in SNIPS stakes earning me more in earnings/staking rewards than my hive account which had twice as much money in it! So imagine when I actually have a higher snips price, ill be making so much more than hive ever opaid me

and ill still make some hive from my nft and hive engine sales :)

are you so angry that I just made 5 HIVE you cannot take away by selling NFTs about you downvote demons that downvote me? lol





Ill probably keep selling these nfts and make more money from my nft sales than my upvote rewards and the nfts arew about how im being downvoted lol

i just suggest buying these with new anonymously created accounts using https://helios.surf/ for 0.5 HIVE which i can help you with if you need to anyone who wants to buy my nfts with anonymous account so you dont get DOWNVOTED for buying teh wrong NFT LOLOL

My posts deserve more rewards than most shitty content on the front page, I just happen to post a lot, so some peopel think i dont deserve as much as the shitty meesterboom articles or the same old taskmaster posts with teh same AUTO UPVOTE non curation whales just auto upvoting their friends and downvoting anyone they dont agree with, instead of colluding to shwo restraint and allow more peopel to earn from the reward pool, which wont be up to them in the future when all the money leaves hive as people begin to realize theers much better options out there like snipverse, or the future hive forks we will definitely see just like steemit led to hive, hive will lead to GIVE and LIVE and other hive forks.

But for now Ill just keep selling NFts and saying fuck you to all the downvoters who ALL OF THE USDDEN decided to "disagree" with rewards that werent even on theri radar, oh all teh sudden they feel like i should be downvoted because their friends told them to do it thats a great content moderation system, yeah, thats totally gonna get peopel to invest and get hive back to where steem was

ya know hive isnt even 50 cents? and steem went to $8 hmm sbd is still like over $2 and hbd only $1 so, so much for that.. seems like peopel would still rather keep using steemit, i wonder how many active users the two have... i dont see nearly as much hive activity as steemit once had atits peak... what gives?

Thats why im putting 1000 HIVE into snipverse and proton, but I will keep working on hive, making hive from nft sales, nft sales that will one day help fund the forking of hive with a better newer all star team , which will absorb all the best talent from hive but also bring us nmuch better talent

whats funny to me is that if hive is so great than why not work on a fork of hive and make it better? And if steemit was so great why isnt it now? Oh a few years of updates and all of the sudden steem is just shit? When you all told us it was the best thing ever a few years ago when you were using it loland you all laughed at the idea of sunsetting steemit inc and forking steem like i said we should do, and thenwhen you all do it lol, hah then its some genius plan

got it, got it, well I dont care about being downvoted in terms of rewards, it only gives me entertainment and a sort of fun cyber battle wheer I find new better ways to earn more anyway like hive nft sales you cant do shit about

if anyone wants some free hive themed WAX nfts or some PROTON nfts poist a wax or proton account below!


Make the peace man....

I've had to here as well.

It's not easy being og. Keep your head up.