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RE: Hurricane Beryl is telling us nothing good at the start of the hurricane season

in News & Views2 months ago

Yes, spooky it is to see it jump in intensity so quickly like that. I've still got another week or so until our Solar/backup power is in place, and then we'll be about as best prepared as we can. We're a little bit inland for just that reason, but not that far that we can ignore preparations.


Where are you located again?

Yeah i get the slightly inland decision totally. When I saw in sint martin how the coastline was battered and the issues with upcoming water... it would certaintly cross my mind when moving to those regions again

We moved to Ormond Beach, Florida a few months ago. We're about 10-15 miles in from the ocean.

Not a bad place to live at all! Sea within a small range, but far enough to be battered by it