Hurricane Beryl is telling us nothing good at the start of the hurricane season

in News & Views2 months ago

And then hurricane Beryl past over the Caribbean islands and the silence started. Silence because this hurricane went from a category 1-2 to a category 4 hurrican within hours before it made landfall. Silence because we know how all of these islands are so dependent of help and don't have all options that you would like because they are islands.

The island of Grenda was hit hard, especially the tiny island Carriacou aside from it. As they call it, the island was 'flattened' in half an hour of time. Disturbing....

As you might know from previous blogs from me, I don't go well on hurricane news and immediately I can feel the body go into a sort of fight and flight modus when I am reading these kinds of thing. And this because it is only the start of the atlantic hurricane season.

Hurricane season

Hurricane season in the Atlantic region is from the beginning of June until the end of November. Usually the peak in the amount an strength in storm will be in the August and September time because that is when the Atlantic sea water is the warmest. This hot sea water is the fuel for these kinds of storms, so the warmer the sea water, the more fuel these kinds of storms have


In general July is not one of the most active months of the season yet Beryl was a category 5 storm in a matter of days. La Nina is also in influence of this, because of the lack of trade winds which make the conditions more favorable for storms to grow as well.

Now I am not writing this at all to be in the conspiracies or anything, the matter is just that this year the Atlantic current sea water temperature is really high as you can see on this image.

I remember that in my St Martin time that in september the sea water temperature would be like lukewarm soup and that was then something like 29 degrees Celsius. But that was in september back in the time. These temperatures are way higher already now and July has only just started. It feels like an issue


I don't know what all of this will mean, but it does seem to look like that a really active hurricane season might be on the way in the Atlantic. Beryl has continued her path (did you ever notice all of the storms that turned out big had female names hahaha, let's see if this trend continues) towards Jamaica although she will be less active by the time she reaches there.

I hope for the Caribbean islands that it all won't turn out this bad, but this storm tis early does not predict a lot of good...


are you in the path?

Currently in Netherlands, so far far away. But from my Caribbean time I know how much impact this has on literally everything on these islands.

Where are you now? You also moved a while ago right, or did you go back?

Yes, spooky it is to see it jump in intensity so quickly like that. I've still got another week or so until our Solar/backup power is in place, and then we'll be about as best prepared as we can. We're a little bit inland for just that reason, but not that far that we can ignore preparations.

Where are you located again?

Yeah i get the slightly inland decision totally. When I saw in sint martin how the coastline was battered and the issues with upcoming water... it would certaintly cross my mind when moving to those regions again

We moved to Ormond Beach, Florida a few months ago. We're about 10-15 miles in from the ocean.

Not a bad place to live at all! Sea within a small range, but far enough to be battered by it