Thierry Neuville tested with Hyundai ahead of WRC Rally Sweden 2024

in Rally6 months ago

Hi, friends!

December is always a month when works teams are testing for the first two events of the next season - Monte Carlo Rallye and Rally Sweden. The reason is very simple - they need roads covered with snow and ice because these first two events are with that kind of surface.

Neuville always goes flat out, no matter is that rally or just a testing session. I must admit that I was little bit disappointed when he and his long term co-driver Nicolas Gilsoul stopped their collaboration and the reason is obvious - money. Gilsoul wanted better salary and Neuville didn't want to pay more. That was it. They stopped just before Monte a few years ago and they already did testing together.

Here we have Neuville's drive from Swedish snow where he prepares for next season. Enjoy his flat out drive...

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Credit for photos and videos to WRC and Youtube

Follow @pfunk, @guiltyparties and @themarkymark for newest witness news.

Great attitude from crew at @minnowsupport :)

Grab a beer and enjoy!



Always the bridesmaid and never the bride…. This year “could” be interesting, but it’s going to depend on how Evans is….. time will tell - shortly!!

I see Tanak as Evans's biggest rival this year...

I would agree 100% - so long as he stops beating the crap out of his cars - he has the ability......