Open Wide and Radiate

Open your arms as wide as you can. I can see the Season of Joy getting ready for a warm hug. Decorating the retirement home today as one of my daughters volunteered us. Honestly, it's one of the easiest ways to spread the cheer for the holiday, and instantly gets you in the spirit of things. The people are kind and were eager to help. We brought candy canes and played Christmas Carols, of the vintage variety, I think I had as good a time as they did.

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It really is so easy to get swept up in the magic, isn't it? It's always been about family and being together. I think some of what is missing in retirement homes are family traditions. I have held on to most of the ones that seemed important to me, passing them along to my family, until one day when they have families of their own and keep those memories alive. The ones that you don't use eventually fade into oblivion, perhaps becoming one of those remember when stories we all tell when we get together with our families.


When I was growing up, I always loved to hang the most glittery, ostentatious ornament there was. It would hang on the tree radiating into the twinkling lights. To this day, the ones that catch my eye are the gaudiest, bejeweled, sparkly ones, so I guess not much has changed. I even think they are delicate and beautiful, I sit in front of the tree, perhaps sighing a bit. Maybe not. All I know is that my heart is full. I'll take it.

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It has been a little bit difficult emotionally for the last six months with one of my family members being sick. Sometimes we forget to count our blessings when it comes to good health, whining about things that don't really matter. I try to count my blessings instead of wishing for bigger or better. Sometimes just being happy, one day at a time is satisfying. I'm not asking for pity, perhaps a prayer would be appreciated. I still believe in the power of prayer. Why not?

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Are you ready to see what is left? In keeping with the Christmas countdown with one picture and the countdown, there are 13 days, 00 hours, 31 minutes, and 29 seconds left! It is closing in on us! Oh, I am already lamenting the ornaments going the way of the turkey... I want it to last a little bit longer, keeping those elaborately decorated ornaments coming.


Is it still #alwaysaflower if it isn't real? The urge to resist has gone the way of the wind tonight. Sparkle on a pretend poinsettia? Yes, please. I pushed them into the green boughs and added a little sparkle. Glitter me again. It is contagious!


Embrace this time like never before. You just never know when it might be the last time you see someone you love so intensely. Spread your love. It's free to give, free to receive. Love to all, Denise 💖


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


Recapture the Magic

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The Naming of Cats

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

TS Elliot

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

TEAMUSAhive_dswigle 1.jpg


People seem to think I'm being facetious when I state, unequivically, "Denise is an elf."

"Ha ha Quill, that's funny. Her house does look like Santa's workshop, doesn't it?"

People, I'm a poet. I know how to speak figuratively. Denise is not "like an elf" ... she's an actual sleigh bells ringing, candy cane creating, Christmas day countdowning ... elf!

"But Quill, she doesn't have pointy ears."

Forest elves have pointy ears. Denise is a North Pole elf and North Pole elves have to wear hats because it's so cold. Hence, hat-piercing pointy ears was a trait that was negatively selected through time. Evolution 101. Folks, this is actually big news ... that Hive could exploit to drive a TON of traffic.

"But Quill, she lives in D.C., not at the North Pole."

Have you people never heard of Ambassadors? Once a year, Santa violates the hell out of American air space and one can only imagine what the Pentagon thinks of that. Someone has got to assuage concerns and prevent retaliatory airstrikes.

And who do you think does that?

Ambassador Wigle (which, BTW, is almost as Elven a name as Claus).

Haha! I am so sorry I am late in answering you. You tickle the heck right out of me and I feel so bad getting to this so late. It hasn't lost its fun to me. I am still smiling over it.

You leave such little gems all over the platform. Yes. I notice. Late, but, I honestly have run so backward time-wise. Do you know where I can buy some? I still haven't even checked out NFT's but, pretty sure they are not for me. Have you tried any?

And thanks for the love. :)

No problem. Busy time of year.

Respecting NFT's, I minted a few on Voice but deliberately priced them so they wouldn't (likely) sell. I have other plans for them. But, at the time, I needed to mint them somewhere so that I could link them in forums where I wanted to establish some gravitas. They're still posted there but they're no longer for sale and eventually I will burn (delete) them and re-mint them elsewhere.

Here's the thing: NFTs in the future are going to include a LOT of things that we don't presently think of as NFTs and that's what I'm focused on. Although I don't forsee minting on Hive anytime soon (presently, there aren't any large dollar buyers), I do see a way in which Hive (or a Hive-like platform) could be instrumental in NFT promotion.

While I have your attention, check out the first two entries in my "Rocking Out the Loot on Splinterlands" Song Contest. Lots going on behind the scenes.


Busy time of year, my sister having surgery, laying the wreaths 400,000 of them at Arlington, Christmas shopping, too many siblings needing attention. Grow up, people.

Okay. I am over it.

I honestly didn't pay enough attention to how to make them, or even what to do. So, It means little right now, but, I hope to get up to speed on it soon.

Thanks and I went a looked at them, left them too short a response, but, they were fun! I repost and vote them. Reposted the girl. Perhaps tomorrow the guy. They need more exposure!

Thanks Denise. 🎅


Always a pleasure. Slap tag me if you put more out. I am slow on the uptake right now.

Wow. Very beautiful. Upvoted and reblogged via the @offgridlife Curation Project.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I have never heard of your project. Now I need to know. @offgridlife

Tell me, tell me, tell me do.

It’s the largest original manual curation project on

I will be checking it out!

Im sorry to hear about your family member not doing good, and I wish him/ her a full recovery and yes, prayers do work.

You ard right, we should enjoy and appreciate all the big and little things in our daily life.

Sending prayers and love.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. She is young, but, good health doesn't always take age into consideration. I appreciate the prayers.

It is usually the little things in life that make the biggest impact on me. Thank you so much for your words and prayers. Have a blessed day.

and yes, prayers do work.

This is true. I also experienced this a few times. So I am also praying for him/her.

Glad to hear that @xplosive. Every prayer counts.

Counting our blessings everyday, what a great reminder Denise, thank you! It is easier to get out of the blues when we choose to be grateful rather than sorry. God has our backs🤗

I have to agree with you there. We have to be grateful because no matter how things seem to be, there is always someone else with bigger problems.

Counting my blessings. Absolutely. There are always great moments in between all of this. Thank you so much for stopping by! xo

Beautiful and touching words as always.
Decorating in this season is one fun exercise I love to do and so do others. You made it more interesting and joyful with the carols playing. I too love the glittery ornaments and tinsels!
Sending your family member a prayer of healing. We must never take the matter of our health for granted and yes, count our blessings as well.
Christmas is almost here! Yippee! Hehe. Like you, I want it to last a little bit longer! Wishing you a happy weekend. 😊

I know!!!! Can't we have it all year long!? Thank you for your kind words. You have a way of leaving me words that touch my soul. Decorating is something I love to do and it is especially fun when the whole family is involved.

I love glitter! Another glitter person! Yay! We need to stick together!

Thank you for the prayers, they are truly appreciated. ❤️

You did an awesome work on the decorations. Beautiful way of sharing the spirit of Christmas. Much love ❤️

You always leave such warm and thoughtful comments. Thank you so much, Ryan! I hope that you and mhel and the family are doing well and letting the spirit of the season wash over you. ❤️

Thank you Denise. Family are doing well and kids are almost on holiday vacation now. Can't say the same for me though hahah.

Oh! Really? Hey, Ryan! I have been thinking about you. I'm glad things are going well with the family and the kids will be getting a small reprieve from school

What's going on with you? If you want, you can drop me a message on discord. 💗

Wow, Christmas is coming, the new year is coming too. It's great to see you decorate the pine trees and snowmen to wait until Christmas Eve.😊

It is a pretty exciting time of year, especially for the young ones. Although I have to admit, I love it too! :)

Yeah. Hope you have a great weekend 🥰

You too!

An amazing post. It really put me in the Christmas spirit. Thanks for sharing❤

Thank you! I just read your intro post! How did you find Hive? Welcome!

Thank you I found hive through my brothers friend when he was introducing it to him. I went into it mainly for the experience of writing so reading post like yours have given me some part already of the experience I need😊

Nice photography.

Thank you so much.

This is really nice

I just love how adorable you both are together - "super" (lol) smart, articulate, and fun! Thank you for the article.❤️
God bless you dear @dswigle

Thank you for your words.

I love your photos, thanks for sharing the Christmas atmosphere too 😍

You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by!

It's a season to share love, joy and create memorable experiences with those we love

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 84 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the repost @ixresteemer! Much appreciated.