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RE: Casserole with a Pastry Lid

I hear you. There were nine of us, so we rarely had enough. No, kidding! LOL, We sure didn't have leftovers! I actually do the pies so that I can freeze a few and have a quick meal on a busy lazy day. I do the same with a tray of lasagna, but, I also make a couple of individual servings while I am putting one together. To be honest, I rarely make lasagna anymore, I found that bakes ziti uses the same ingredients and is layered in yummy goodness without all the fuss of those wide noodles that never cut quite right.

I am truly a lazy cook!! I know it. Hello? It is definitely cold outside. It is only going to get up to 40F! That is darned near freezing!


I know ! 31 one here now, expecting high of 44 but one good thing is, it is sunny out, with blue skies. Much better than a cold AND gray day. You know I don't love cold already. No I don't !

I didn't use to be a lazy cook, but now, just for me, I rarely get motivated to do it up right just for myself. I do need to get back to a little more of that. day... or not.

My Mom said when my Dad was growing up, there were times when they may not have known where their next meal was coming from and frequently there was not enough. She thought my Dad may have always made sure the cupboards were full and there were ample meals, because he did not want any of his children to ever know that feeling. Sweet... right ?

My 2nd husband was one of 15 ! His Mom was a good cook and although times were slim now and then, she would make biscuits for every meal of every day, to make sure no one left the table hungry. Lots of potatoes going on back then too, as you can only imagine. One of my husbands brothers always ate very fast as an adult. He had said before that he had gotten in the habit of it as a kid and although he tried to make himself slow down, he seemed to keep springing back to fast eating. I asked him one time if he had eaten that fast in fear that someone would take his food away and he said that was not it. He said there was always enough for a first serving for everyone, but was never enough left for EVERYONE to have seconds, so some of them ate fast, so they could have seconds. Whoever finished the first plate of food first, got more ! ha ha... I found that a bit funny.

That was really sweet! They just don't build men like they used to, or women for that matter. Life is so different than how I grew up. Some good, some not so pleasing. Progress isn't always a move forward, is it?

For some reason, I feel like going to a thrift shop or opportunity shop or something like that. I feel like digging through some old junk stuff. Of course, I could just go through my own stuff and weed out again, but no!

The quilt!

Which means tea and something sweet to go with it. I might pop some muffins in the oven, something not quite sweet. I will have to think about that for a moment. The mailman just delivered mail to me today on Sunday. Now, I feel perfectly special. Even brought it up to my door.