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RE: Keep Smiling, They Will Wonder What You're Doing - RIP Uncle Ken

in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago

This post was so beautifully written, serving as a most wonderful tribute to your Uncle Ken, whilst also fondly remembering your dad and husband. If I ever reach 100, I'd like to look and sound as well as your Uncle Ken did in the interesting video - remarkable. I truly pray for peace in the hearts of you and your family. Thanks for sharing something so deeply personal.

Speaking now for myself.. it serves as a reminder to cherish the short time we have together on earth with those we love the most, and in faith pray that one day we may all together rest in peace. 'Keep smiling'.


thank you @ma3str0 .. I have to agree with you on the getting to 100 part, to be able to be so aware and active is truly a gift of a life well lived. My grandmother (Ken and dad's mother) also lived to 101 and was aware right up until a few days before she passed. Ken lived longer than her but they were both well aware of life.