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RE: Don't marry out of pity.

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)

The wise man has spoken from the farm of wisdom (may his soul rest in peace).

Marrying out of pity will never end well from stories I've heard, especially those who marry because of a mistake they felt they would never be able to correct.

I just hope people try hard to avoid situations where they have to do tings out of pity for others, it's not only going to end bad.. MIT might also hurt someone's pride and dignity.

You have a well written thoughtful post here my @mmykel

And I didn't get here through @dreemport 😂

I'm the eldest to my siblings by 4 years and 2 years respectively 😌😊 just felt like telling you 🙈


The wise man has spoken from the farm of wisdom (may his soul rest in peace).

Thanks dear. I would pass your compliment to him when I see him tonight in my dream. 😂

Marrying out of pity will never end well from stories I've heard, especially those who marry because of a mistake they felt they would never be able to correct.

Yeah. Such emotion easily fades.

You have a well written thoughtful post here my @mmykel


And I didn't get here through @dreemport 😂

E for shock me sef. 😂 Because I'm yet to submit it.

I'm the eldest to my siblings by 4 years and 2 years respectively 😌😊 just felt like telling you.


We have more than one thing in common. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 😂

Please do tell him that but only in your dreams o, don't go more than that.. You know na

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

It's like I'm not thinking the the thinking o, come and explain yourself 🤣🤣 sha don't allow your gf to see what you wrote here 😂

I can't go beyond. God no fit shame us. 😂

After denying, it later appeared like you're even thinking it more than me. 😂

Don't worry about my gf. I only have an acting one. Na your bf I come de fear now. 😂😂

Yes o, but nor too fear sha... He nor dey kill person 😂
