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RE: One Month On the Road -- Thoughts

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago (edited)

Am I happy? Maybe not today, and it's ok!

Is this for the best? It might not seem like it, but everything will fall into place:)

Should I go back? Not unless there is no other choice.

Was this a mistake? Maybe not the best decision entirely, but there is never a mistake... think of it all as lessons.

Does everyone think I'm a phony? That's not your concern:)

Great photos, and great critical thinking skills.
I think no matter how things pan out, you're on the right track.
Personally, I think introspection is good, but yes, everything needs to be done in moderation.
... it can be harmful if you harp on and keep questioning yourself...that can lead to self doubt...but I think it's good to take the time for introspection every now and then:)))


I love the answers! They're very peaceful. Trying to hold on to that same serenity in my introspective moments. And yeah, totally agree, introspection is important (otherwise you risk becoming jaded), just not to the point where it becomes an all-consuming purpose. Thank you for those answers! :)

I love the answers! They're very peaceful

Thank you 😊

You're very welcome. Don't be too hard on yourself, and it's not easy, but always try to be calm and make the best decisions when faced with challenges. That way you're less likely to have regrets regardless of the outcome or results of your decision.
Have a great day:)

Thank you. Well, a lot of trouble seems to stem from rash actions. So doing the opposite seems like the only logical choice.:) You have a great end of the week, too!

🤗😊 thank you:)