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RE: Modeled Not Gobbled

in ThoughtfulDailyPost7 months ago

Sounds like a good plan of action to me - listen, watch, reserve judgment, and above all, don't expect anyone to see it the same way you do. Beauty lies in infinite realities.

Hey. Feel better soon. If you want to. If you don't want to, ignore me. Or, don't ignore me, just listen to me, then do whatever you want to.


Sounds like a good plan of action to me - listen, watch, reserve judgment, and above all, don't expect anyone to see it the same way you do. Beauty lies in infinite realities.

I find I am a ton happier if I don't have unrealistic expectations about anything in this existence, as the only thing I have control over is how I view what is actually happening.

Harder to practice than type about though lol!

That said, you expressed the sentiment beautifully and I hope you have a lovely day if you so choose to do so😁

And thank you so much for dropping by, your comment made my day!