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RE: Connection

in ThoughtfulDailyPost27 days ago

I'm happy that you got a break from being plugged in. I really must do that too, but it seems the only way that will happen will be if I am forced to do it, as you were. to be more connected to the world, because I am less connected to the internet. It wasn't that long ago that I didn't even have email, but that all sucked me up rapidly. It sucked nearly all of us up.

Deaths from cancer treatment are the most horrible of ways to leave this earth. I'm so sorry you had to be a part of that. But here you are, wonderful, thoughtful, loving, kind and brilliant, despite, or maybe in part because of.

What a great working vacay you must have had. The decorations are fabulous.



Hello my lovely friend, thank you for your kind words, for checking in on me.
I do hope that you take the time to unplug, perhaps it will just happen.
Much love xxxx