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RE: Modeled Not Gobbled

Virtue signalling is no virtue at all and virtue untested is also no virtue. We live in a time like no other where likes/affirmation can be obtained through agreement and not necessarily wisdom or truly positive or altruistic action. Sometimes those with the most cantankerous, most disagreeable delivering are those with the most actual virtue and follow through... but then there is faith ... or duct tape ... if you prefer.


Virtue signalling is no virtue at all and virtue untested is also no virtue.

Ah, spoken like the poet you are, my friend. If one has to signal something as noble as virtue is that in and of itself an unvirtuous act? The negative aspects of affirmation hunting tribalism really bring my vibe down at times, but then I remember that I know quite a few crusty marshmallows and faith in our propensity for good is restored.

Or something like that. Maybe I better go find the duct tape...

Hope you are having a most splendid day😊


Crusty Marshmallow ... I like that. I am more marshmallow on the outside and decades-old sponge-candy banana on the inside. LOLuntitled.gif