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RE: A Lullaby for the Soul - English & Spanish

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 years ago

It all starts there where there is no audience to applaud. As in any band, the goal is to harmonize and produce a euphony, which is only possible when every member of the orchestra plays the same musical scores, when each individual makes an effort to work as a team

I think you hit on a key point here, and although I never was in a band or orchestra, many of my friends were, and I saw how it changed the way they thought. Taught them cohesiveness that I lacked myself at the time.

I learned guitar in later life and can sometimes find myself drifting away into another mode of being when playing, but mostly now that happens for me writing fiction.

Why am I telling you that? Because I think that the same principles that a musical ensemble applies to produce a Euphony are valuable to be applied to all areas of life. It doesn't matter if we are talking about an orchestra, a soccer team, or a team developing a new product, the family, a neighborhood, a company, or society in general. If the members of a group are arrogant, stubborn, and convinced that the scores and the way they are playing are the right way the results will be simply catastrophic.

And although it may seem not to be relevant to someone who writes novels, the same is still true. The characters must all act based upon their character traits in a certain way to create a kind of cohesive picture. Even in points of conflict, the resolution must be found, or at least searched for, to make the story work.

Anyway, I'm glad I saw your post on the dreamport PYP show and have followed you now 🙂


I think you hit on a key point here, and although I never was in a band or orchestra, many of my friends were, and I saw how it changed the way they thought. Taught them cohesiveness that I lacked myself at the time.
I learned guitar in later life and can sometimes find myself drifting away into another mode of being when playing, but mostly now that happens for me writing fiction.

Yes, most definitely being part of a group working towards a common goal changes the individual on many levels. Hopefull good levels! 😉 And yes, to be able to produce music, books - or anything for that matter - is very much a sort of spiritual experience.

And although it may seem not to be relevant to someone who writes novels, the same is still true. The characters must all act based upon their character traits in a certain way to create a kind of cohesive picture. Even in points of conflict, the resolution must be found, or at least searched for, to make the story work.

Again, I think you are right. Harmony must exist in all parts of what we do. Sometimes we are part of a whole and sometimes we produce something with many parts. In a watch for example - or a novel with many characters and drama like the those you write - there must be harmony among the parts. Beautiful analogy, thanks!

I also enjoy your PYPT meeting today and I'm looking forward to next week. I have also just followed you!