You Have Everything You Need


You have everything you need (paraphrased 2 Peter 1:3) The first time I read this in the Bible I was like, how is that even possible. However, I know one thing for sure, the Bible doesn't lie from my experience. The scripture says that God is not a man that he should lie (Num 23:19). So, as always I searched for the answers myself and I found the truth.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32) Says the Bible. Was I set free? Oh yes, I will tell you how. Our mind is the greatest gift of all, not our emotions, our mind. If you can train your mind to be disciplined and focused you can do all things. All things are possible for him who believes (Mark 9:23)

Many people believe that they have been born poor, that their life is destined to poverty and lack. The only poverty and lack we ever have is the lack of discipline. You've got to experience the power of the mind to believe it. Often times when I talk about it to others they tell me, 'you are different I am not like you'. That's right no one is like me all of us are different, but we have one thing in common 'the powerful mind'.

Discipline isn't a very an acceptable word to many people. They know discipline means hours of repetitive work and hard work at that. This is one thing most of us consciously try to avoid. We love to see instantaneous results. If there was a machine that dispersed instant answers to all our problems there would be people waiting in ques for days on end to get to the machine come rain or shine. The truth is we hate work and worse still putting our mind to work.

The mind is like a dog, if you train it to follow you, the leader, it does. It works like magic, makes life easy for you and for others around. If you don't, this dog would poop on your carpet and run away when say bath time and make your life a living hell. You'd be living the dog life while he'd be living the boss life. All for love you'd say, but he'd have the last laugh.

Your mind is the most powerful asset you have and will ever have. When you teach your mind to be patient, persistent, to learn, to work things through, to endure, you don't need much to make something of your life. Give your mind a choice and you'll find it coming up with excuses, finding reasons why things will fail, to quit and run away.

Where there is discipline there is no need for external motivation. Things will happen day after day like clock work mechanism. Now, add inspirations and dreams to your discipline and you will see fulfillment, satisfaction and joy fill your life to the brim.

A disciplined mind never stops until it reaches the goal. It finds opportunities where there are none and makes things happen. It works its way through problems because it doesn't see quitting as an option. It knows that the answers are always close at hand and looks for them in the commonest of places.

You have a powerful mind. Believe in it. Discipline your mind to work towards your goals. Teach you mind to ignore emotions or how you feel. Teach it to be focused on what needs to be done. You will find your way out of every problem you face in life. You will never lack anything.

Not just that, your body and spirit will heal themselves. You will become the boss of your life!

This is my submission for @dreemportchallenge


Who doesn't love instantaneous results? 😂
To have a disciplined mind requires discipline, and discipline is built over time by consistently performing small acts of courage.
And just like you've mentioned, our mind plays a major role and if empowered with discipline, there's no limit to what can be achieved.
A #dreemer's thought.

Good to see you here @mcyusuf
Seriously I used to love instant result years ago, not anymore.
I've found that they go the way they come lol.
Most people know that their mind is their best asset and yet they will not focus on it.
The body shows instant results, I mean external ones like after a makeover
so they go for those..
we choose what is easier and external.

Now more than ever, in a world where patience is really a virtue!!

I believe in the power of belief, the mind, thoughts, intentions
Paired with action and you can soar ;D

Absolutely, you cannot dream and believe and not work on it.
I have seen this happen in my own life and also where it concerns my boys.
Thanks for stopping by @kaerpediem
I always love to hear from you.

Seriously, we need the mind of discipline to be able to enjoy what we seek for. Many of us are expecting to see results instantly and we lack patience. If we can just train our minds to endure and be patient, we would realize that we can have everything we need by the power of Christ in us.
This is my own contribution as a #dreemer and @dreemport sent me here 😁

The scripture also says you have the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16
We need to put it to good use, somehow we never show as much much interest in the mind as we show on our body.
Thanks for stopping by

This speaks rightly to me. These days, I'm struggling badly to discipline myself to do things I want to do but I just can't seem to achieve that. I'm physically indisposed and mentally stressed. Seriously, I needed this pep talk, just as much as I need prayers for healing right now.

Aww.. I am so sorry that you are going through a tough time @hillarypowers
I will be praying for you according to 3John 1;2
'Beloved I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health as your soul also prospers'.
Please take care.

Thank you, Sofs. It's comforting to know that.

Be assured that you will be in my prayers constantly. 💓💓💓

-Hi dearie @sofs, I loved it the most, Bible verses, it's a great guide. Yes, everything we need is present for us, and we only need to find it and use it. And because of that our responsibility is to use it well, think of the priorities, and plan well. We need to see and do what should be the priority at a particular time. Like in my case, maybe if I'm healthy this time, I could easily perform all my tasks, but sometimes our health becomes a hindrance for every goal that we set. But still, I need to do what is needed to be done. Plus and minus, with my situation, I need to spend much time on my health, 2nd on my son's studies, and 3rd on my online works. Because if my health is poor I couldn't perform all the things I need to do and will fail to achieve my goals. Thanks a lot for sharing these motivational posts. God bless you!💕

Have a blessed morning!💚❤💕🌷


The truth is God never ask us to do things we are not equipped to do.
The scripture says in 3 john 1:2 'Beloved I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health as your soul also prospers'.
So ween meed to pray for these things as we set our minds right and work in accordance to God's laws.
Take care!
Thanks for stopping by and have an amazing day!

@cwow2 could you please explain why this post deserved a vote down from you.
It would help me to know where I have gone wrong so I can correct myself.
I would appreciate your response.

Sorry. I just dont think nonsense like reciting the bible should get any rewards :)

If you had taken the time to read the post you would have found that apart from four scriptures quoted the rest was my personal experience and understanding of life
While the Bible maybe nonsense to you , it is not so to millions of people around the world.
For your information the Bible can be quoted legally as any other piece of literature is.
Bless you and have a great day!

It properly can and I can choose to downvote it if I see fits.

Right! way to go.






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