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RE: Wednesday Walk in Village and Shore

Snow is beautiful to see but often not so much fun to walk through, but you havent let it slow you down, unlike me as I slacked off a lot over winter

Such a beautiful area for a walk, at first I thought the photo of tyou in the skirt was a statue of a bygone era, cool to dree the part for a walk in the past ;)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


No, I like the snow, well when we have it as we usually do @tattoodjay for a few days or a week and then the rains come. I still have a little ptsd from 2015 jan-march Winter. It snowed and snowed and never melted and our roads here, which are barely one car width now, made getting in and out an interesting voyage.

yes, I do love a long skirt walk Especially in the cool weather, another secret to not feeling cold :) Modern people don't wear enough clothes in the cold haha.

From your posts I do know you love the snow

and yes the trick for handling cold weather is appropriate clothes and layers :)