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RE: Casserole with a Pastry Lid

I do love pot pies mainly beef or chicken but haven’t made our own for a while but I so agree Marie makes good ones

I also like adding peas not just to pies but as a side dish fir most meals it’s always been my favorite side
My parents also used the word frugal often and made great use of leftovers

I think the reason we don’t is with mostly just cooking for the two of us we very seldom have left overs as we generally make just enough for the two of us sometimes I admit just barely or alternatively have enough to free fir a future meal

The time we do have leftovers is when I cook a meal for the family coming over and I do freeze what’s left over but have been slack with using it for meals later
Your post reminds me I should go through our freezer today and see what’s in there


I cannot believe you don't love a pie with lamb in it! I have to say that when I get New Zealand Lamb... a little lamb, carrot, potato, celery, and onion... they don't say peas, but, I put them in or to the side. Do a little slurry to thicken. Herbes basil, fennel, marjoram, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, and thyme. Or whatever and voila! Suddenly, I feel a Lamb Shepards Pie coming on. For this one, I use puff pastry, unlike the other pies.

Here is a secret I do. I picked up small pot pie-sized pie pans and make them in there. I actually make too many and put them in the freezer for lazier days.

I just went through the freezer and hence, the pots pies the other day. :)

Have a super Sunday!

Ohh lamb pies are good
But all of us love lamb especially NZ lamb and whenever I cook it whether a roast or chops it is devoured never any left overs by the end of the day lol

Ohh and lamb stew and that sometime we have leftovers hmm maybe that I could use for a pie

You absolutely could!!! That would be amazing. Indeed! I feel like a snob when I say I only eat NZ Lamb, but, it is the only one that is truly good.

Anything less is merely food. ;)

Well I used to say that mind you Argentinian and Australian is not to bad

but having not seen it in the stores I recently tried a U.S. brand grass fed Lamb chops nit expecting much but they were actually real good

Whole Foods always carries it. I have had some that have been good from Argentina, but, that was when I was down there, so I thought it was how they cooked it.

You have several Whole Foods around in Fairhaven and North Dartmouth-- just a little further, Dartmouth, South Dartmouth, and Acushnet. Just in case you want to check them out unless, of course, you already have.

I do realize it has been at least a year that I have been up North and things could have changed.

I think they consistently have NZ lamb a couple of times a year I have checked whole foods randomly sometimes they have it but not the last few times I have been there

I guess I'm just counting the fact that everybody is having transportation problems right now. I have some in the freezer but probably check Whole Foods when I'm their next time. The other place that consistently has it is Wegmans but I'm not sure they have them up there.