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RE: Pucker Up, Baby! It's Almost Easter!

The easter tree idea is so cool and some nice decorations on it, and sopme beautiful shots of the blossoms, I took a quick walk inthe Cemetery near us yesterday as the other day I though I had seen blossoms as I was driving by, well I was right i had seen some but the few days of heavy frosts had done the blossoms in they were all dried up and dying, but I am sure new ones will come soon


Mine too, but, most have recovered. The ones that were out mostly died, but, some new blooms took their place. What a weird year, JJ! @tattoodjay I have never seen anything like this.

I am sure yours is on the way. Massachusetts is always later and colder... which I never understood, it was so close to Connecticut, but, so much colder. Wait til global warming fixes it right up and makes it warmer!

I hope you are having a great week!

My week has started well thanks
Looking like it’s going to be warming up in this coming week so o am sure we will see signs of spring and new growth here soo

Looking forward to it