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RE: Finding Inspiration in Young Bloggers

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 months ago
"Achievement is not dependent on powerful connections or monetary resources. It is dependent on initiative, hard work and determination."

I was excited to see your words in my community. After being a witness to the many actions "behind the scenes" at TIW. It was ticked to see someone who helps to elevate the awesome, of all those who are trying to get their foot in the door. Or at least even have a door, in which to put said foot in... The quote I used, is from your post. It blasts out waves of positive, as well as truth. You could have given up... You could have just done "whatever". But if we give up? Well, that's on us. I appreciate your sharing your mindset; as I mentioned in the post I wrote several weeks ago... So many seem to be focused on funds, upvotes, and reblogs. But not about the energy behind the content. So... thank you. Thank you, for helping remind everyone of the real notion of our blockchain... Community.


Opening quote from your blog, of course...



Or at least even have a door, in which to put said foot in


I am so conscious of this, especially as our community has reached into areas of the world where there is little opportunity. Hive offers a door. It may take time, but diligence will open that door.

I appreciate your warm welcome. Posting this blog in almost any other community would have seemed inappropriate. This was the perfect place for sincere, heartfelt expression

Thank you!, @wesphilbin.

 2 months ago  
You are most welcome! I am honored that you feel our community is a place for you to feel like home...


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