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RE: Keep Smiling, They Will Wonder What You're Doing - RIP Uncle Ken

in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago


I've known you since the day's of our legacy chain. In this time, the one thing I have learned about you. Is your passion for writing, preservation of history and memories, and of course... Community. But delving in deeper... I have found something much more important than all of these things... a friend. So from one friend, to another. Please accept my condolences. I send you, and your family. Comfort, love, and positive energy. So yes... keep smiling, and lest we forget. In honor of three souls. That made such a positive impact in your life... and one... that brought you into our lives...

Love and light, dear friend...

@tipu curate


Thank you @wesphilbin from what I've learned of you over the years, I have no doubt you and Ken would have understood each other at a soul level.

 9 months ago  


It got me in the feels there... thank you. Soul level... yes...