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RE: Pucker Up, Baby! It's Almost Easter!

Did you know that the egg is an ancient symbol of life all over the world?

To many animals (mostly birds), it is not just/only an ancient symbol, but the literal start of the physical life. They hatch out of it.

The other half of the tree bloomed today. The entire season has been a tad strange, hasn't it? Half a tree blooming? The trees are all blooming out of sync. What is going on, Mother Nature?

Nowadays the weather is weird worldwide. There was snow in various parts of my country (in Hungary) in the previous few days. And currently we are literally in April. I guess Mother Nature is playing her own April Fools joke.

But this could also be a part of the climate change. And that is not really funny. Theoretically currently we are in spring, and practically the weather is winter-like, but according to the weather forecast, it will become warmer in the next few days.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


It really isn't funny! Our weather is wreaking havoc with plants and flowering trees, not to mention the food being planted now. It is all crazy, but, I am hoping it will all settle down and behave soon.

Hello, @xplosive I hope you are having a great Monday!