Mi lugar feliz, mi cabina | My happy place, my cabin

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Holaa, ¿Cómo se encuentran? ¿Cómo va la primera semana de diciembre? A veces pienso en lo veloz que pasó este año, fue como un parpadeo y ya llegó diciembre😆. Realmente siento que pasó volando. Espero que tanto ustedes como yo hayamos disfrutado todo lo que se nos presentó en el 2022 y que iniciemos el 2023 con más fuerzas y nuevas metas.

Hoy les quiero presentar mi rinconcito de amor, mi cabina, el lugar en donde ocurre la magia y donde aquellas personas agotadas del día, la semana o la vida, toman una siestita y descansan profundamente❤️.

Hello, how are you, how is the first week of December going? Sometimes I think about how fast this year went by, it was like a blink of an eye and December is here😆. It really feels like it flew by. I hope that both you and I have enjoyed everything that was presented to us in 2022 and that we start 2023 with more strength and new goals.

Today I want to introduce you to my little corner of love, my cabin, the place where the magic happens and where those people exhausted from the day, the week or life, take a nap and rest deeply❤️.

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How did I start my booth?

Es una historia curiosa. Tengo una amiga de hace muchos años, unos 7 años más o menos, ella es maquilladora (Instagram: @sorabelmakeup) y tenía su espacio, en el sitio ya había una camilla y no la utilizaba. En un punto, nuestra comunicación se quebró por situaciones personales individuales. Poco a poco fuimos recuperando la comunicación nuevamente y cuando estaba por terminar mi diplomado me ofreción trabajar con ella en su espacio. Me llamó mucho la atención comenzar a trabajar, lo medité un tiempo, pero no tanto el trabajar en sí, sino cómo haría para comprar las cosas para iniciar. Toqué puertas y se abrieron✨, que felicidad.

Funny story. I have a friend from many years ago, about 7 years or so, she is a makeup artist (Instagram: @sorabelmakeup) and she had her space, on the site there was already a stretcher and she didn't use it. At one point, our communication broke down due to individual personal situations, little by little we were recovering communication again and when I was about to finish my diploma she offered me to work with her in her space. I was very interested in starting to work, I thought about it for a while, but not so much the work itself, but how I would buy the things to start. I knocked on doors and they opened✨, what happiness.

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Compré varias cosas para iniciar realizando limpiezas faciales, lo básico (altafrecuencia, espátula ultrasonica, y productos para cada tipo de piel).

I bought several things to start doing facials, the basics (high frequency, ultrasonic spatula, and products for each skin type).

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Actualmente estoy planificando mudarme al centro, ya que donde estoy ubicada es un poco alejado tanto de mi casa y para las personas en general. Cuando inicie el proceso creativo del nuevo espacio les estaré mostrando 😁.

I am currently planning to move downtown, since where I am located is a bit far from my home and for people in general. When I started the creative process of the new space I will be showing you 😁.

Debo admitir que me gusta mucho realizar las limpiezas faciales, lo disfruto y me da mucha satisfacción cuando termino y veo una piel radiante, limpia y sobretodo cuando las personas se ven, se ven muy satisfechas y felices. Siempre debemos buscar una piel saludabe, no una piel perfecta 🙌.

Antes de iniciar la limpieza, primero realizo el diagnostico con la lámpara de wood, lámpara lupa para observación y tacto. Me parece muy importante realizar el diagnostico para así saber que productos debo utilizar para ese tipo de piel y luego armar su rutina y recomendaciones.

I must admit that I really like to perform facials, I enjoy it and it gives me a lot of satisfaction when I finish and I see a radiant, clean skin and especially when people look, they look very satisfied and happy. We should always look for a healthy skin, not a perfect skin 🙌.

Before starting the cleansing, I first perform the diagnosis with the wood lamp, magnifying lamp for observation and touch. I find it very important to make the diagnosis so I know what products I should use for that type of skin and then put together your routine and recommendations.

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Luego me pongo los guantes y manos a la obra: Higiene, exfoliación, extracción, altafrecuencia, mascarilla, hidratación y protector solar.

Then I put on my gloves and get to work: hygiene, exfoliation, extraction, high frequency, mask, moisturizing and sunscreen.

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Mientras tienen la mascarilla, me gusta dar un masaje en las manos y brazos

While they have the mask on, I like to massage the hands and arms.

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Les dejo algunas fotitos de algunos pacientes que han confiado en mí para darles un cariño en su piel. Más allá de la parte lucrativa lo más importante para mí es hacer las cosas bien,me gusta la parte clínica, crear consciencia y enseñar a las personas a cómo pueden iniciar una rutina, un hábito en el cuidado de su piel; para poder ver buenos resultados es cuestión de constancia y disciplina.

También me gustaría agregar que no importa cuánto tarde en cumplirse una meta o un sueño,simplemente no desistas y sigue trabajando por eso que quieres, vibrando alto y deseando obtener lo que realmente quieres, tarde o temprano eso llegará a ti en el momento y tiempo indicado, las cosas no suceden por casualidad. Atrae siempre las mejores cosas para tu vida, con pensamientos positivos, y palabras bonitas. Todo llegará.

"Levantate una y otra vez, hasta que las ovejas se conviertan en corderos"

Here are some pictures of some patients who have trusted me to give them some love on their skin. Beyond the lucrative part the most important thing for me is to do things right, I like the clinical part, create awareness and teach people how they can start a routine, a habit in the care of their skin; in order to see good results is a matter of constancy and discipline.

I would also like to add that no matter how long it takes to achieve a goal or a dream, just don't give up and keep working for what you want, vibrating high and wishing to get what you really want, sooner or later it will come to you at the right time, things don't happen by chance. Always attract the best things for your life, with positive thoughts, and nice words. Everything will come.

"Rise again and again, until the sheep become lambs."

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¡Muchas gracias por leerme!💖

Portada y separador hechos en Canva | Cover and divider made in Canva
Translated via deepl.com


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oh wow! by the way do you have tips about sunscreen? what products would you recommend? I would also remind you to engage more and reply to the comments made on your post. Cheers!

Hello!, sure. As for what sunscreen I recommend for you is not a simple task😬, I have to know your skin type. However, even if I recommend you a specific brand, the most important thing is to experiment with sunscreen because products don't work the same on all skin types. Let's say you have combination skin and I recommend a sunscreen for combination skin, you might not like that sunscreen because you feel it leaves your skin oily or because it leaves white spots, so you would look for another sunscreen that meets your needs and expectations. I have read many reviews on sunscreens and some of the brands that stand out the most are: la roche posay, eucerin, bioderma, among others.

✔️Now, tips:
▪️Always use and retouch every 3hr.
▪️Apply 2 fingers of sunscreen.
▪️Do not forget the neck, ears, hands, arms.
▪️Apply 15-30min before sun exposure.
▪️An SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher (50).
▪️Choose the sunscreen according to your skin type and phototype.

Thank you so much for reading me and leaving your comment💞. I'm working more on being consistent, responding and reading😅; I'm even putting together a post on skin types, I hope to publish it soon. I hope you find the tips useful and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Best regards.🤗