Introducción Primer Paso/Introduction First Step [ESP - ENG]

in Aliento2 years ago

Quiero dar un saludo a todas las personas de Hive, y en especial a todo aquel que se detenga a leer este post.
Soy Hanuman Das, tengo 26 años, y sí ese es mi nombre, tal vez no es mi nombre de nacimiento pero ha sido el nombre que se me otorgó; representa a la Deidad Hindú : HANUMAN hanuman.jpg

Soy estudiante de artes marciales y transcendentalismo, no soy un sabelotodo tampoco, pues la vida realmente es la verdadera maestra y creo que aprendemos de ella todos los días (Luego iré tocando un poco más este tema, pero por ahora hasta ahí esta bien) .

Soy también gamer de antaño y corazón, próximamente iré subiendo guías o experiencias con alguno que otro jueguito, es mas un hobbie claro😅 no me dedico profesionalmente a ello aunque debería ya que la industria hoy en día premia a los "Gamers" 😁.Créanme cuando les digo que siempre había querido hacer un blog pero no me animaba, me aterraba o mejor dicho aun me aterra escribir sobre algo y que quede ahí en el vacío del ciberespacio .( Y quizás así puede que sea no lo se). Pero hoy me dije a mi mismo: No me importa .

Si soy aburrido o no, o mis historias no llegan a gustarle a nadie, no me importa. Quiero escribir porque es un escape, una puerta a un mundo al que si lo desean pueden acompañarme y reír, llorar, soñar, vivir o hasta enamorarse... Por eso este primer post va dirigido a toda aquella persona que por miedo, no se atreve a dar El Primer PASO, en cualquier ámbito de la vida en la que te encuentres, atrévete a despegar y hacer algo nuevo.

No todo el mundo va a identificarse con lo que hagas ni los vas a satisfacer tampoco, pero si te hace feliz adelante no mires a los lados. Hoy estoy aquí porque me decidí a dar el paso y si yo puedo tu también; es un paso de esos como cuando apenas éramos niños y nos poníamos de pie, ahora debemos ir creciendo hasta que podamos volar.

Nunca es muy pronto o muy tarde para aprender, todo es en su momento justo pero de nosotros depende darle energía a las cosas para que estas se realicen, mis maestros dicen que a los 80 años se empieza a vivir, así que...

Mi primer paso fue atreverme a que estas palabras resuenen en lo mas profundo de tu ser y te llenen buena vibra y energía 🙏.

Prometo que vendrán posts mas divertidos, llenos de historias, vivencias, ficción, lo que se me ocurra. Mientras me despido de vosotros y les deseo un bonito día, noche, madrugada dependiendo de cuando leas esto.

Y si necesitas un consejo o hablar con alguien, tu amigo Hanuman te escuchara my Instagram. Bendiciones

Eng Version

*I want to give a greeting to all the people of Hive, and especially to everyone who stops to read this post.
I am Hanuman Das, I am 26 years old, and yes that is my name, maybe it is not my birth name but it has been the name given to me; it represents the Hindu Deity: HANUMAN

I am a student of martial arts and transcendentalism, I am not a know-it-all either, because life really is the true teacher and I believe that we learn from it every day (I will touch a little more on this subject later, but for now so far so good).

I am also a gamer of yesteryear and heart, soon I will be uploading guides or experiences with some other little game, it is more of a hobby of course😅 I do not dedicate myself professionally to it although I should since the industry today rewards the >Gamers> 😁.Believe me when I tell you that I had always wanted to make a blog but I was not encouraged, I was terrified or rather still terrified to write about something and that it remains there in the emptiness of cyberspace .( And maybe so it may be I do not know). But today I said to myself: I don't care .

Whether I'm boring or not, or my stories don't get anyone to like them, I don't care. I want to write because it's an escape, a door to a world where if you wish you can join me and laugh, cry, dream, live or even fall in love.... That's why this first post is addressed to all those people who, out of fear, do not dare to take The First STEP, in any area of life in which you find yourself, dare to take off and do something new.

Not everyone will identify with what you do and you will not satisfy them either, but if it makes you happy go ahead and don't look away. Today I am here because I decided to take the step and if I can you can too; it is a step like when we were just children and we stood up, now we must grow until we can fly.

It is never too early or too late to learn, everything is at the right time but it depends on us to give energy to things so that they are realized, my teachers say that at 80 years old you start to live, so....

My first step was to dare to let these words resonate in the deepest part of your being and fill you with good vibes and energy 🙏.

I promise more fun posts to come, full of stories, experiences, fiction, whatever comes to my mind. In the meantime I say goodbye to you and wish you a nice day, night, early morning depending on when you read this.

And if you need advice or to talk to someone, your friend Hanuman will listen to you . Blessings
My Instagram


Welcome here on Hive @hanuman846!

Read the suggestions above, read about Palnet, OCD, GEMS, Ecency, the other communities, and start discovering this new world.
If you are a photography interested, I created a blockchain-like photography contest. It Is free, for fun, and you are welcome. If you want to know more, visit my blog, the #photochain tag or read the last edition post at

The only thing: you have to adhere to some complicated - or not? - rules.
If you will join in, good luck 🙂 If you will not, good luck for your future here anyway. I Hope to see you soon on Hive 😉

Welcome hanuman846!
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Hello @hanuman846! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome! You didn't mention how you happened to find our blockchain home - did an established Hive member tell you about it? If so, be sure to tag them so they know you're part of the Hive community now.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out - Hive Communities

Also, as Hive can sometimes be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful and easy to understand posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

Since you speak Spanish, I highly recommend you check out this excellent Hive Guide and Tutorial by amazing Hive community member, @victoriabsb -

Guía de Recursos Hive: Links & Tips (Actualizado) || Tutorial

Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

In addition, since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

If you have questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!