Do You Feel Comfortable Staying In The Comfort Zone? [English/Bangla]

in Hive Bangladesh3 years ago (edited)

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When you get used to doing something, it is easy for you to do that. We all have a comfort zone. And we do our things from there. Do you feel comfortable staying in the comfort zone? I think most people love to stay in their comfort zone.

Do You Feel Comfortable Staying In The Comfort Zone .jpg

Your options are limited in your comfort zone. In order to move forward and get to the next level, you have to take action and get out of your comfort zone. Yes, it has risk. When you see it would be riskier staying in your comfort zone, you will not feel comfortable staying there.

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It’s right that most of us, some of the time don't like to stay in comfort zone because of having our passion with challenge. You told about the risk in doing buisness which is true. I prefer challenges rather than risk. But, If I can stay in a comfort zone in my proffessional life I will stay their and will try to make a buisness besides that. will take risk and will enjoy my life. 😍

Sometimes taking no risk is the biggest risk of all. You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to move forward. Thank you @rana2423 for your feedback!

বিষয়টা সহজ হলেও প্রশ্নটির সহজ উত্তরে সবাই হয়তো প্রথমেই বলবে হ্যা, কিন্তু গভীরভাবে বিষয়টি বুঝলে সবাই না বলবে। কারন সহজে কিংবা আরামদায়ক অবস্থায় কোন চ্যালেঞ্জ গ্রহন করা যায় না এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ ছাড়া ভালো কিছু অর্জন করা যায় না।
আমি সর্বদা ভিন্ন পরিবেশে কাজ করছে স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যবোধ করি এবং নিজেকে চ্যালেঞ্জের সাথে সংযুক্ত করার প্রচেষ্টা চালাই। ধন্যবাদ ভাই আরো একটি সুন্দর বিষয় উপস্থাপন করার জন্য।

I completely agree with you. The first time, the answer is yes, but later, you will not feel comfortable staying in the comfort zone since you see no progress.

Yeah I agree

Thank you for watching the video.

Now all people prefer to be comfortable at work. He does not want to take risks easily in any task. He is afraid to take risks. However, in order to succeed in any task, one must be careful in taking risks.

Which situation you are in, that help you determine what to do next. Yes, I agree with that. Thank you @sumaiya777 for your comment!

পরিবেশের সাথে মানিয়ে নেওয়ার নামই জীবন। আমরা কখনোই কোথাও নিজেদের অনুকূলের পরিবেশ পাব না। তখন আমাদের মানিয়ে নিতে হয়।

We have to adapt to the situation and then make our move to go ahead. Thank you for your feedback!

পরিবেশের সাথে মানিয়ে নেওয়ার নামই জীবন। আমরা কখনোই কোথাও নিজেদের অনুকূলের পরিবেশ পাব না। তখন আমাদের মানিয়ে নিতে হয়। পুরো ভিডিওটি অসাধারণ ছিল।

Hey bro... it's a fantastic topic that you talked about.
To be honest, being a lazy person, I can't think of anywhere else besides my comfort zone to feel comfortable.
Sometimes I try to do the needed things as well from my comfort zone and I feel so happy when I can do that and I hope you know that feeling as well.

I think the lazy bug is not lazy, otherwise, he cannot push his uncle to go to the gym. Thank you for your comment! :)

People get so used to the comfort zone that even think about doing something slightly different is already a pain. They turn into like those horses that need to transport carriages and use those eye patches to look only forward on the road lol only see that way when they could be free on a field!
Either stay like that forever or take the risk/pain and tip the toe outside the comfort zone.
If you take action and fail, it will hurt of course but at least you can say you tried!
If that's what it takes to improve and grow, I would go for it!
Thank you for sharing!
You are awesome :)

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If you take action and fail, it will hurt of course but at least you can say you tried!

If we do that, at least we will reget when we are over 80. "I wish I would" is very scary when you have no time. I like the horse example. Thank you @elianaicgomes for your thought-provoking comment!

Amr nijr jdi point of opinion bolte hoi tahole ami bolbo j ami besi comfort zone theke kaj krte like kori but that doesn't mean I don't like to take challenges. Amr asole depend kore life situation er upor so overall asole neutral situation amr...

And when you take the challenge and it will make you do something that you might not think of doing before. Because of the challenge, you also take risks. In the end, you will get feedback whether it is positive or negative. Then you realize what to do next. Thank you @priyanarc for sharing your opinions!