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RE: V4Vapp and Podping presentation at HiveFest 6 - Day 2 by BrianOfLondon

in Value 4 Value3 years ago

When I was in college, in 2005 my friend and I actually wanted to start a podcast. We talked about it seriously but we were in school, and never did. I have been recording content over the years, but you are right that something was missing. Hive was missing. I am very interested in Podping and doing podcasting here. I think it is really innovative to stream sats from Hive to podcasters, and that I could start podcasting and earn sats for streaming! I need to learn as much as I can about how this works. Great presentation, I am looking at the Slides as well as the website now. When you get the Hive version published pls tag me, I will try this out for sure. Next year I have a whole lot of content to create so its exciting to know my 3speak uploads could also be available as as a podcast! Thanks @brianoflondon !BEER !PIZZA


More instructions and videos and way to get started on Hive and Podcasting are in the works.

I appreciate the step by step instructions, both for myself and for others I share with. Keep up the great work @brianoflondon