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RE: My Internet Connection = Frustrations of Living in Venezuela || Catarsis

in Catarsis2 years ago

sleeping 5 hours during the night than during the morning somehow I don’t feel as well rested,

That's the truth. 5 hours of sleep at night is way better than sleeping 10 hours in the morning.

Being a mom is something that has so many demands. Your little one needs you and you cannot say No. He won't follow you but you would have to follow his routinely needs. Without enough sleep, our mood becomes so negative that we mistreat our children at times and then we have regrets.

I can relate to the issues associated with internet connections. When you finally have time to do something online, the network tells you mind your own business and be away from it.

I hope you would find some solution to your data problems so that you wouldn't have to wake up at night..

Good luck and good night


our mood becomes so negative that we mistreat our children at times and then we have regrets.

Yes! This is something I try to avoid a lot, take deep breaths and remember he is just a child and not deserving of my bad mood.

That's true. Our kids don't deserve our bad moods, especially for something that they are not responsible for such as bad Internet connection