My Internet Connection = Frustrations of Living in Venezuela || Catarsis

in Catarsis2 years ago

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Frustrated 😤

It has been a while since I posted other than my curation report, you may wonder why? (here I am assuming I have an audience who wonders why I go missing LOL) as I said a lot before I currently live in Jumanji aka San Jose de Guanipa a small town of the Anzoátegui state in Venezuela why? Because love would make you do stupid things like move across the country to the middle of nowhere.

The heart is my home town and the start is where I live in the little country call Venezuela

Anyways, I went back to my home town for more than a month mostly to give my son some well deserve vacations and to carry out a Hive Event (the Hive Live Sessions) when I was there I was happy you know why? I HAD INTERNET CONNECTION! Something I haven’t had in this house for over 2 years now, first it was an issue with the connectivity to the main server or I don’t know and then a cable got stolen 2 streets from my house leaving all my sector without internet connection.

Using my Data plan

Now as you guys know I consider Hive my job, I not only am a content creator but I’m also part of several projects within the blockchain. So, yeah not having an internet connection is not an option for me, when I lost all hope that the internet through our phone company was ever going to come back I had to fix the issue at hand with what I had and that was/is my phone, I have a data plan of 3GB a month for less than 3$ and yes that is not a lot so I went and got myself 2 more phone lines with 10GB each yes that is not a lot either, but hey I you know manage also we don’t usually use internet for nothing more than work related (and my addiction to tiktok –yes I know I have problems-) so this usually is not enough but when I consume all the GB in my data plan I just pay per mega and yes is not cheap but I consider that the reward are greater than the cost. What I do is, I use the hotspot option this smart phone have and that way I can use my computer and don’t have to do all things on my phone cause I hate typing on the phone.
Now here is the thing when you are using a mobile data plan, you need to have good mobile signal, I have 2 phones, both Samsung one is an old J7 and the other my personal use one is a A12, both are supposed to reach 4G/LTE signals but… I LIVE IN JUMANJI! Or a bunker or I don’t know this thing is crazy, before I went on vacation my signal was bad but manageable, when I got back I don’t know what happen the signal during the day is sometimes almost not existent, like not even for some basic open a web tab on my phone even, and if navigating the web on my phone is almost impossible during the day you can imagine what trying to connect my PC to the phone is like.


Don’t suggest a fiber or satellite service

I know what you are going to say, but Victoria you should try and look for a service of satellite internet or fiber, first fiber is only in border cities or main cities like the capital, and second again I live in Jumanji, this town is so dumb the town next to us has several satellite internet service providers and their reach is still like 30Km too far from me =( and yes I have been calling them over and over again to see if they will put a repeater antenna near, but so far nothing, nada, no hope at all of a near future with internet.

Trying to deal with it by becoming a night owl

You see when I got home from vacation and saw that my mobile signal was like supper bad during the day I decided, well I love the night I have done this before, let’s just stay up all night to take advantage of the signal during those hours, well… let me tell you something 1. I am a mom, to a small (almost) 4year old and 2. Last time I got a cold was before I got pregnant and im currently dealing with even fever from this stupid cold I have right now.

Yes, being 35 years old and a mom don’t necessarily match with a night working life, first of all, I have to wait until is past mid night to have a decent connection, this means that I need to put my baby to sleep and then lay in bed waiting for the hour to come this of course makes me sleepy, and second if I manage to stay awake using the internet connection I try to make the most of it and end up being up until 4 to 5 am, now remember how I am a mom? This means I am responsible for another human, one that doesn’t have the same schedule as mine so he does wake up early in the morning, the later he has woken up is 10am, if I ended up falling sleep at 5am this means only 5 hours of sleep if I’m lucky, and there is something different about sleeping 5 hours during the night than during the morning somehow I don’t feel as well rested, this means I end up like a zombie all day.

I tried it for a week and couldn’t manage to keep it going, until today, I will work around a schedule maybe one day I stay up and 2 sleeping lol, I will try and see how my body adapts.

Being a mom

The thing about being a zombie all day is it affects my child, he currently is on school summer break (yes still omg the longest ever) so he is at home almost all day, he has swimming lessons at 2pm every day for one hour. So, I need to wake up make him breakfast and after that I need to be present for him, like a functional caring mom, I cannot be a zombie with a crappy mood because I haven’t sleep, he always wants me to play, to pay attention to him and that is not easy to do when all you want to do is sleep. So, this whole staying up at night won’t do if I can’t be a good mom the next day.

Giving up?

No!! I was depress and frustrated the last week or week and a half and I decided to take a break and just not force myself to do something I didn’t wanted to do, I will continue to fight this stupid flu I have right now and when I get back to be fully functional I will get back to working around a schedule that works for me and my body and mind.

Possible solution

I have been looking into a mobile signal amplifier in Mercado Libre (like amazon but for Latin America) I found one “cheap” for 100 USD (go gossip here and tell me what you think) but to be honest is not easy to expend 100 USD in something you don’t know will work the way you want it to, and also I have so many other expenses and bills to cover right now (kid’s insurance, kid’s back to school supplies, Kid’s bday present, food) , I’m not sure I can expend so much in this but, this is the best solution I can find to my problem right now.

What this device would do is just help amplify the mobile signal so that I at least can use it during the day not unlimited still with my current data plan of only 10GB but hey better than staying up all night to use it.

Anyways is already 3am (my baby woke up a few times already so I had to stop typing so I can put him back to sleep) and im sleepy so this post will end up here I will update you when I can, hopefully soon.

As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!

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sleeping 5 hours during the night than during the morning somehow I don’t feel as well rested,

That's the truth. 5 hours of sleep at night is way better than sleeping 10 hours in the morning.

Being a mom is something that has so many demands. Your little one needs you and you cannot say No. He won't follow you but you would have to follow his routinely needs. Without enough sleep, our mood becomes so negative that we mistreat our children at times and then we have regrets.

I can relate to the issues associated with internet connections. When you finally have time to do something online, the network tells you mind your own business and be away from it.

I hope you would find some solution to your data problems so that you wouldn't have to wake up at night..

Good luck and good night

our mood becomes so negative that we mistreat our children at times and then we have regrets.

Yes! This is something I try to avoid a lot, take deep breaths and remember he is just a child and not deserving of my bad mood.

That's true. Our kids don't deserve our bad moods, especially for something that they are not responsible for such as bad Internet connection

Tu publicación está en inglés, pero yo te respondo en español.

Como me dijeron a mí una vez, múdate o manda a tumbar el cerro que tienes detrás de la casa. Por suerte no tuve que hacer nada de eso ya que una empresa se acordó del rincón donde vivo y logré poner internet bueno y estable, pero si no, estaría igual o peor que tú, porque sí, a veces ni siquiera señal tengo en el teléfono, es horrible.

CONSEGUIIIIIIIIIIII una empresa que por alguna razon penso que este pueblo valia la pena colocar una antena!!!!! ya tengo internet llevo 24h ahorita asi que no dire es estable porque de hecho a las 5pm se fue la señal como por 2 horas jajajajajajaja pero aja estaba peor asi que no me quejare aun....

Los milagros existen. Roguemos para que sea más estable y puedas estar más tiempo con conección.

Hola, ay Dios, me vi reflejada en esa historia por siempreeee. Yo no vivo en Jumanji pero la señal es como si estuviera allá. Pasé por todo eso, robo de cables, Wifi direct desde mi cel a la laptop porque también odio trabajar desde el teléfono. La conexión es pésima, pero en la noche está mejor, me convertí en búho, esperar hasta las 12 am para poder cagar las fotos de mis publicaciones, a veces a las 12 am tampoco la señal era buena y me quedaba desde la 1 am, horrible de verdad. Espero que tu salud mejore y puedas solucionar, con el internet trabajamos. Saludos.

he logrado conseguir un servicio satelital que es hoy el segundo dia asi que aun no dire es bueno pero aja es mejor que nada jajajaja espero tu logres conseguir uno tambien porque esperar por CANTV te saldran raices.

El internet en este pais es algo insufrible, en mi caso este ultimo mes ha sido una tortura y me eh tenido que limitar hacer ciertas cosas aca y medir mejor mi tiempo, pero que estes cada rato es peor, eh estado en tu lugar hace tiempo y lo que me solvento a mi fue el comprar un modem mas potente y aumentar el plan y aun con eso esta horrible, pero que se puede esperar de un pais en donde no hay un mantenimiento o actualizacion fija en ciertos puntos y eso que soy de la capital, saludos.

That's a lot of stress, sleepless night and all, how do you stay awake?, im a mom too, and cat even do that, the network sometime affect us here too, but since your own is understandsble, you have a lot doing on the internet, that's why you need to stay awake.
Hopefully your new solution works well for you

how do you stay awake?,

Well lately i havent been able i just give up and fell asleep l, but usually if I just eat a lot of chocolate and listen to music while working that helps a lot.

Go slow on the chocolates,😀

Hope that mobile signal amplifier works and that you feel better soon! The flu can be tough and I can't imagine the struggle of being sick and having to take care of a young child -- sounds like it requires a lot of strength. Also, I hope the Internet situation improves soon.

the amplifier didnt worked as i wish it would turns out i need to put it higher (currently 3mts high) but i did found a satellite internet service provider so.... yay!! and thank you for the well wishes.

ajsjajaja diossss te entiendo, no has intentado buscar otro?

despues de tanto intentar lo logre si consegui uno!

that sucks with your internet especially being that Hive is your main work... You sound like a great mom keep ya head up!

thank you!!!

Nosotros en Cuba tenemos problemas similares incluso en las grandes ciudades. Yo de alguna forma me las he arreglado compartiendo los datos moviles del celular a la laptop. Aunque eso sí, termino consumiendo mínimo 11 GB de datos por mes.

mil años despues respondo pero aja andaba sin internet!

bueno mi plan de datos es de 10GB y es lo que usaba para poder conectarme tal cual lo dices compartiendo datos para la pc porque en verdad que trabajar desde el telefono no es lo mio.

yo despues de tanto logre conseguir un servicio de internet satelital, ojala ustedes por alla algun dia logren obtener algun tipo de servicio que les permita conectarse mas libremente, es horrible estar sin internet o con internet limitado a un plan de datos cuando es para el trabajo de uno.