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RE: Solo's weekly picks: Outdoor

in Palnetlast year

Also, I can't help the feeling that most of these interactions would end immediately if people would just Downvote and leave a friendly message that sounds like "I want you to do better so that I can upvote and not downvote you next time. That would be great."


I tried talking with y'all, many months ago. You had many opportunities to turn around your behavior.

Yeah so, you're missing the point. I see what your argument is, but that was not spam. It's Tenor available MEMEs to have a MEME-based conversation. Those interactions have been over hours, some days and express a way of communication.

Here's a list of differences:

  • The Upvotes are tiny and will be penalized by the curation metrics
  • Reading the Chain of Memes tells a story
  • They all start with a new post, no arbitrary Comments in the nirvana

Well, I'm open to the thought that it looks abusive and spammy. That was not intended, none is making gains with this. It's really just fun.

Is that so absurd to believe?

Look, srsly. My last post was thanking you on Threads that you turned to peace.
This is not helpful to anybody.