Learning From My Hospital Experience

in Palnet2 years ago


It was the second month of my treatment and the doctor was happy that we were making progress because had greatly improved from the last time. As I came down from the examination bed and sat on the chair in front of him, he said....
"don't wait till you get hungry before you eat"
"Yes doctor" I replied

I didn't even understand what that meant. I had been down again with ulcer which lasted for months and it had taken me a lot of medical attention to get back on my feet. I recalled how I had to write my year three exams with severe pains because I couldn't afford to be admitted in the hospital during examination season but the pains were excruciating so I had to shuttle trips between school and hospital.

"What! I thought I was done" I said in my head as the doctor wrote another dose of medicines for continuity. I hated medicines for every reason. That ulcer incidence was the first time since I had left home for school that I would take a medication judiciously. I had never finished any dosage in my life of independence and here I was for another round?

As I took the prescription to the pharmacy, the doctor's words kept ringing in my head... "Don't wait till you're hungry before you eat"

Trust me that statement made no sense to me! I mean...the only way I can eat is when my body tells me it's time to eat and that's through hunger right? I have to be hungry to know it's time to eat!

As funny as it sounds, it took me years to understand what that statement meant. It took another phase of maturity to realize that our bodies have a way of sending us signals but oftentimes we misinterpret these signals

When you feel thirsty it's not because your body needs water, it's because you haven't been giving your body enough water, the same applies to hunger. It's not a sign that you need food, it's a sign that you haven't been eating at the appropriate time that you should. So when we get careless with these, our bodies send us signals to remind us of what we ought to have done, not what we ought to do.

Sadly many persons treat their personal development in this same manner; they wait till they miss an opportunity before they learn skills that they ought to have been equipped with in preparation for that opportunity.

Language is one skill that was relevant, is still relevant and will yet be in years to come. Let me tell you more about this, send a DM let's connect!

Did you learn something today? What was your biggest take away?