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RE: Let's scrap off cake presentation from wedding ceremony

in Hive Naija β€’ last month

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that fire from middle heaven got me cracking up Sha.

But it is what it is bro, another part you skipped is where the designer would start to explain the significance of each cake ingredient, as if we are dummies.

I think most couples like the hypocrisy if not while would I show the world that I'm kneeling to serve him cake and wine when I know that I won't continue that trend at home. It baffles me but when you have yours, you can opt it out.

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think most couples like the hypocrisy if not while would I show the world that I'm kneeling to serve him cake and wine when I know that I won't continue that trend at home.

I think I need to edit and shake this table very well. This stage sucks!πŸ˜…

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