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RE: Anecdotes From School: Discovering Effective Study Techniques

in Hive Naijalast month

I agree with all the points you made, though I was not very good with repetitive learning. I am trying to use Anki for the same, but after years of being away from academics it is so hard to write notes down :D And I just cannot write into a book, cause I am not able to read it back thanks to my handwriting :D

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Repetitive learning was a life saver for me back then in school. Now with my kids, my second son picks information so easy and do not need to read again before writing an exam, unlike my first son, he will read and read and read before retention takes place. It's all about finding what works for you. At the end of the day, the aim is to achieve success
Thanks for visiting, our awesome dreemer 😍🥰

Repetitive learning is proven to be really useful even for people like me who can kinda remember stuff in short term. Systems like Anki do a very good job with flash cards so that it becomes for of a gamification of the study. Maybe it can be useful for your second son.