God is great and He works in a mysterious way

in Hive Naija29 days ago

God is great and He answers prayer, I am a living witness that can testify to His Awesomeness.


This Hive Naija prompt flooded me with memories of how life used to be for me some years ago.

Back then in 2013, I was teaching in a primary school and my salary was 5500 naira which was not enough to feed talkless of buy clothes or other things I needed. fortunately, I was living with my sister and she fed me sometimes, Life was not easy at all and before I got my salary, I would have a lot of debt to pay.

My brother lives in the same town as well but he is not always at home as he works in a hotel and sometimes for weeks, he won't come home so I hardly see him.

One day, I had nothing on me, I slept without food that night and there was nothing to eat in the morning, my sister was broke too and she hoped to get money from her workplace so she could cook in the afternoon when she get home.

On that fateful morning, I was hungry and sad because there was no hope of getting food or money anywhere, I took my bath and got prepared for my workplace but before I left, I took my bible, read some psalm verses, and pray fervently for God to send me a helper.


My hope was that probably any of my pupils owing me for lessons would bring their money, I charged 150 Naira weekly from each pupil and sometimes it takes four weeks before some will pay as their parents love to pay 600 Naira monthly at once but I was disappointed when none of them paid that morning so I knew it was going to be a very long day with hunger dealing with me but to my surprise, God performed a miracle which I never expected.

I was teaching in class when one of the teachers called me that someone was asking of me, I was wondering who that could be, so I left the class to check on the person, and behold it was my elder brother on a bike waiting for me!... Merely seeing him, I was so happy and you must be wondering why I called that a miracle.

Firstly my brother does not know where I teach so that was the first shocker, he often passes there whenever he is going home but he has never stopped to check on me because he doesn't even know I work there, so how did he know? The teacher he saw was a friend of mine and I have her pictures on my phone, he has seen them before and I told him about the girl so when she saw the girl, he knew that was my working place and hence why he told the girl to call me out.

I was so happy and when I told him, I had not eaten, my brother gave me money immediately and said he would be around for a few days as usual so I could come to his place when I got home from work, that was how God buttered my bread that day.

I knew you might say that just happened but I believed it was the prayer that worked, it could have played out another way, he sees the girl and plans to ask me when we see if that was where I work, and he could have just told the girl to greet me but instead he even delayed the bike man to see me, God works mysteriously and I have witnessed his miracle in my life so many times.

If you are ever going through any hard time, Pray to him whole heartedly and witness his miracle but have a good heart too, be pure-minded and don't wish other people bad, you can't be evil and expect your life to be meaningful.... Shalom

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Here is how prayer works.

You see prayer is like a vehicle, when you fuel it with your emotions, it you can and will get you to your destination.

Indeed our God works in mysterious ways, who would have taught your brother was going to come back home that day but because God never forsake his own, he heard your prayers and brought big bro home.

God is great!

I can imagine how your mood must have changed for the best when you saw your brother but anyone who doesn’t know what’s wrong with you will think there’s something in your head😅

lol like the excitement is out of this world

You can say it is a miracle and you can say it is a co-incidence whatever you want. But I must agree with you that God helped you on that day. God always stays with us and helps us but sometimes we can understand it and sometimes not.

yea the way he works most time is mysterious, he will do what you want in a way that you didn't expect

Its indeed a miracle @burlarj . When we pray with faith it does manifest.

What can God not do? Wonderful one here 💪

 28 days ago  

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It is a fact that God knows what His servant needs, so He gives it to His servant. When we ask God and work hard, we are sure to succeed.

Prayers work, most times it works at the late hours when we are about to give up hope then boom something will just happen miraculously, glad you didn't faint while teaching😁