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in Hive Naija5 months ago

𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗂𝗀𝗇𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗏𝖺

My existence has always been something I find myself wondering about, they say we humans live our entire lives searching for purpose, if only it could be spelt out or written on our palms it wouldn't take so long before we find a meaning to our existence. As we grow in wisdom and knowledge gradually our true self reveal it self, call it personality, traits, attitude character it is what becomes our identity, what we are known for in the congregation of people.

Humans are classified as social animals, among every other living beings on earth, it is a natural action for humans to communicate with each other in other formulate connection among each other. in the process, relationships are formed either friendship or romantic relationship. Despite the necessity of socialisation in the lives of humans, it has never been my strong hold. I form different kind of relationship depending on the situation I'm in and once that is over I move on to the next stage without forming any tangible attachment. It is not as if I don't care about the feelings of others or I'm not capable of showing affection, it is just that making friends is easier for me compared to keeping them.

As time goes by I realise I have a distinctive personality compared to others, instead of creating a circle of friends, I prefer to just be on my own and do things my own way but for someone who enjoys his own company my inability to feign ignorance to those in need and also go extra miles to assist others whenever I can has always go contrary to my introverted personality. So instead of just keeping friends I try as much as possible to surround myself with like minded individuals, as long as you are the free minded type, selfless, absent of religious & gender bias and with a working brain, obviously you are my kind of person.

One thing that differentiates my kind of circle of friends from most is that, it is not a question of who I need, it is more about who is in need of me. being in the midst of a group of people I could offer my support freely which could be anything and also be free to be who I'm am. for example, during my days in school we find ourselves doing all kind of practicals and project. there are always two requirements for the practicals which involves creating a group and selecting a group leader. I have always been privilege to be a group leader for almost all practicals and project I partake in for different reasons.

Apart from having a group of my own, there are times when I still have a lot of people wanting to join my group but since it is full, I go all the way to create different groups for others. at the long run I find myself leading more than 2 to 5 groups and sometimes I find myself being overwhelmed by this responsibility, a duty I willingly took upon myself. My primary aim has always been to make sure everyone pass the course with no one left behind, this what my cycle of people or friends is made of. people I need to support, people in need and there are also others like me in this circle who assist me in this humanitarian endeavours. such as a friend of mine @jewish.


I see the world as a chaotic space, filled with humans with different origins and intentions. individuals with different capabilities, the weak and strong living side by side creating a sphere of inequality. our existence lying on a single thread of hope initiated by balance. in a society where everyone is going about their affairs without paying attention to the pain of others, who will be saddled with the responsibility of creating balance among the unequal. I believe that is where my kind comes in, being an umbrella for thousands of people, protecting them against external and internal threat, most especially protecting the weak from the heels of the mighty and this is what I have I chosen to Identify myself as.

This write-up was inspired by weekly prompt in hive Naija community.



@nkemakonam89 says - From the little I have known you, you are a great leader. You have this leadership skill in you and I have no doubt that you could lead your group effectively and having principles is just inevitable, it makes you to stand out.

Manual Curation by sagarkothari88, Suggested By @nkemakonam89
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Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️

Wow, I appreciate the compliment and support. Thanks @Nkemakonam89 for always looking out for me 🤗.

One of the most complex journeys one experiences is that of finding one's own identity and purpose. I've observed individuals who engage with a large group of people but lack a clear sense of purpose or self-awareness. This reflects a harsh reality of life today. Many individuals wear a mask to appeal to a broader audience, inadvertently losing touch with their true identity. The purpose in their life becomes merely to be liked by everyone. It is possible to be social and, at the same time, cultivate meaningful connections with just selected few who share common interests. Through such connections, you both can development, and witness self-growth over the years. You know who you are, so bravo and we all need to be alone from time to time. Thank you for sharing and sorry for the long comment! 😱😱😅😅

Yeah exactly, it is of utmost importance that we humans discover our social identity, knowing where we belong and the purpose we strive to achieve.

I appreciate your thoughtful contribution, thanks for stopping by 🤗

The pleasure was all mine ☺️🙏

My friend you are right character this is my identity. It is true that not everyone has the goal of making money. But when we organize an event, the aim of the event is to complete it, which requires money. So we must think carefully before taking such a decision. I will continue the activities with everyone's advice. Along with that, I will make efforts to ensure the supply of money. There will be love and peace and everyone will pass the time with joy. May God always bless you with all abilities.

I appreciate your thoughtful contribution, thanks for stopping by 🤗

you are most welcome my dear friend may God bless you with my heart you are my always best friend. we are friend

I respect a man who has principles and doesn't bend them for anything. I admire your values, don't ever compromise them, you are doing good. Beautiful and reflective write up.

I appreciate the compliment and kind words, thanks for stopping by 🤗


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That's one good and strong personality you have. Keep being who are.

Thanks bro 🤗

Indeed the world is a chaotic space with different individuals

Hmmm, I thought I was the only one who liked to be alone at certain times. Though most people don't understand what this means , they tend to take it the other way.


Well, it doesn't have to make sense to everyone else as long as it makes you comfortable.

Sure that's right